Following is the introduction of a wonderful App. 30,000+ users downloaded Yogi Anoop latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This makes the app feel more like a popular merchandise, which is very positive in my opinion. This hot app was released on 2019-04-11. Just use it when absolutely necessary.
Yogi Anoop known as “a man of Diagnosis” has Developed a unique technique for diagnosis in yoga & meditation. Owing to his inherent expertise he does not have to question or probe the patients for their related ailments and diseases and in 30 years long meditative and spiritual life he has cross-trained himself in such a way that he can envision the minutest detail of the patient’s mind and body constitution and according to the corresponding constitution he suggests Yogic breathing and meditative techniques. He has even cured count less people with varied disorders. He also lectures on these techniques so that everyone can get benefited by them.
A lot of patients from India as well as from different parts of the world have been diagnosed and cured by him.
Yogi Anoop dikenal sebagai "seorang pria Diagnosis" telah Mengembangkan teknik unik untuk diagnosis dalam yoga & meditasi. Karena keahliannya yang melekat, ia tidak perlu mempertanyakan atau menyelidiki pasien untuk penyakit dan penyakit terkait mereka dan dalam 30 tahun panjang kehidupan meditatif dan spiritual, ia telah melatih diri sedemikian rupa sehingga ia dapat membayangkan detail terkecil pasien. konstitusi pikiran dan tubuh dan menurut konstitusi yang sesuai ia menyarankan pernapasan yoga dan teknik meditasi. Dia bahkan telah menyembuhkan jumlah orang dengan gangguan yang bervariasi. Dia juga memberi kuliah tentang teknik-teknik ini sehingga semua orang dapat memperoleh manfaat dari mereka.
Banyak pasien dari India dan juga dari berbagai belahan dunia telah didiagnosis dan disembuhkan olehnya.
Yogi Anoop’s Third Eye Diagnosis & Cure. Yoga Meditation & spiritual Awakening