ikon Woodgrain Wallpaper

Woodgrain Wallpaper

1.0 for Android
3.8 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Woodgrain Wallpaper

There's no denying the fact that 30,000+ users downloaded Woodgrain Wallpaper latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You can enjoy it by use in your own phone. This hot app was released on 2018-11-26. Certainly you will love it after play.
Woodgrain wallpapers create a natural yet classy look and feel for your device!
These high-quality woodgrain wallpapers feature beautiful wood specimens highlighting the detailed pattern and texture of natural wood. Each type of wood, and in fact each individual tree, has a distinct pattern in the wood grain, much like each human fingerprint is unique! The bands and knots of wood fibers that occur during the growth of the tree create a beautiful aesthetic effect when logs are cut into lumber along the grain. Polished or unpolished, woodgrain looks great as furniture, flooring, and now as your device wallpaper too!
Whether you are looking for a light colored wood such as maple or pine, or something a bit richer such as cherry or mahogany, you'll be sure to find a shade and wood grain pattern that are perfect for your style! Some wood grain specimens are quite rustic, featuring knots and irregular fiber patterns, while others are more uniform with nearly perfectly even lines traversing the surface of the wood. From simple log cabins in the forest to sleek modern Scandinavian design, natural wood grain fits with any lifestyle!
Enjoy these simple, natural wood grain textures as your background today!
wallpaper woodgrain menciptakan tampilan natural namun berkelas dan merasa untuk perangkat Anda!
Ini wallpaper woodgrain berkualitas tinggi fitur spesimen kayu yang indah menyoroti pola rinci dan tekstur kayu alami. Setiap jenis kayu, dan pada kenyataannya setiap pohon individu, memiliki pola yang berbeda dalam serat kayu, seperti setiap sidik jari manusia adalah unik! Band dan knot dari serat kayu yang terjadi selama pertumbuhan pohon menciptakan efek estetika yang indah ketika log dipotong menjadi kayu sepanjang gandum. Dipoles atau kasar, woodgrain tampak hebat seperti furnitur, lantai, dan sekarang sebagai wallpaper perangkat Anda juga!
Apakah Anda sedang mencari kayu berwarna terang seperti maple atau pinus, atau sesuatu yang sedikit lebih kaya seperti cherry atau mahoni, Anda akan yakin untuk menemukan warna dan kayu pola gandum yang sempurna untuk gaya Anda! Beberapa spesimen biji-bijian kayu yang cukup pedesaan, menampilkan knot dan pola serat tidak teratur, sementara yang lain lebih seragam dengan garis hampir bahkan sempurna melintasi permukaan kayu. Dari log kabin sederhana di hutan untuk ramping desain modern Skandinavia, serat kayu alami cocok dengan gaya hidup apapun!
Nikmati sederhana ini, kayu alami tekstur biji-bijian sebagai latar belakang Anda hari ini!

Memperbarui Woodgrain Wallpaper 1.0

Updated for an improved user experience.


  • Kategori:
    Seni & Desain
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
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