Download the latest application of india here. 20,000+ users downloaded Whats Web latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2018-10-17. To read more info about mobile apps, you can click on 9Apps.
Whats Web an App to copy a whatsweb account on any device that can be used on more than one Device
Sync your phone and tablet at the same time in one account (connection required)
You can sync all media: Audio, pictures and videos
Conversations are synced too
This is a standalone application and is not affiliated with any other company, including WhatsApp Inc.
Whats Web App untuk menyalin akun whatsweb di perangkat apa pun yang dapat digunakan di lebih dari satu Perangkat
Sinkronkan ponsel dan tablet Anda secara bersamaan dalam satu akun (perlu koneksi)
Anda dapat menyelaraskan semua media: Audio, gambar, dan video
Percakapan juga disinkronkan
Ini adalah aplikasi yang berdiri sendiri dan tidak berafiliasi dengan perusahaan lain, termasuk WhatsApp Inc.
Fixing bugs