Some India application are update now! 20,000+ users downloaded WeHealth UrgentCare latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It has been a popular app for a long time. This hot app was released on 2018-04-07. You can enjoy the most completed function of this app.
You get off the plane on business trip and just know that your sore throat needs attention. Your baby spikes a fever at 3 am. You’re on vacation and a rash sprouts on your husband’s back. Emergency room and a $1000 co-pay? Not if you have the WeHealth UrgentCare App. We designed an App to give you immediate online access to emergency medicine physicians 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With the click of a button and a mobile conversation, your physician can assess your needs, direct your care, call in a prescription or refer you to a specialist. When you download the WeHealth UrgentCare App, you replace worries with trusted health care, and long waits with immediate access to a caring clinician. Now you have expert emergency medical care in the palm of your hand, wherever you go.
Product Description:
- Call In via App- Urgent Care Adult/Pediatric – Unlimited (24/7 access)
- No Appointment Needed
- Prescribing of Medication or Medical Devices
- Discount prescription card
- Work release letters
- Referral for discounted CT scan and MRI
- Referral for discounted colonoscopy and upper endoscopy
Anda turun dari pesawat di perjalanan bisnis dan hanya tahu bahwa sakit tenggorokan Anda membutuhkan perhatian. Bayi Anda paku demam pada pukul 3 pagi. Anda sedang berlibur dan kecambah ruam di punggung suami Anda. ruang gawat darurat dan $ 1000 co-membayar? Tidak jika Anda memiliki WeHealth UrgentCare App. Kami merancang sebuah App untuk memberikan akses online langsung ke dokter pengobatan darurat 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu. Dengan klik tombol dan percakapan ponsel, dokter Anda dapat menilai kebutuhan Anda, mengarahkan perawatan Anda, memanggil resep atau merujuk Anda ke dokter spesialis. Ketika Anda men-download WeHealth UrgentCare App, Anda mengganti khawatir dengan perawatan kesehatan yang terpercaya, dan menunggu lama dengan akses langsung ke dokter peduli. Sekarang Anda memiliki perawatan medis darurat ahli di telapak tangan Anda, ke manapun Anda pergi.
Deskripsi Produk:
- Panggilan Dalam via App Mendesak Perawatan Dewasa / Anak - tak terbatas (24/7 akses)
- Tidak ada Pengangkatan Dibutuhkan
- Peresepan dari Obat atau Alat Kesehatan
- kartu resep Diskon
- huruf rilis Kerja
- Rujukan untuk diskon CT scan dan MRI
- Rujukan untuk kolonoskopi diskon dan endoskopi atas
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