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Wayanad Vision Channel is owned and managed by Wayanad Vision Communicators Pvt.Ltd. duly registered .It is working under the supervision and guidance of Cable TV Operators Association , Wayanad District Committee. The Channel is very much accepted by the people of Wayanad as it has got 55000 connections throughout the District of Wayanad .
Wayanad Vision Channel dimiliki dan dikelola oleh Wayanad Vision Communicators Pvt.Ltd. terdaftar. Ini bekerja di bawah pengawasan dan bimbingan Asosiasi Operator TV Kabel, Komite Distrik Wayanad. Saluran ini diterima dengan sangat baik oleh masyarakat Wayanad karena telah mendapatkan 55.000 koneksi di seluruh Distrik Wayanad.
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