ikon WashIt


0.0.1 for Android
5.0 | 5,000+ Instal

RRG Software Pvt Ltd.

Penjabaran dari 9apps Washit

Browse and download apps to your android phone from the App Store. 20,000+ users downloaded Washit latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Therefore, people are willing to accept this latest version. This hot app was released on 2018-11-26. 9Apps has thousands of apps and updated daily!
WashIt Is professionals in the laundry and dry cleaning business, which means we always stay up to date on the latest technologies, cleaning methods, and solutions for dealing with stains or delicate fabrics. Plus, we maintain the highest standards of business integrity by following local and national regulations and environmental safety rules!
We strive to ensure quality laundry, on time delivery and reliable service for all linen, uniform and guest laundry needs. A dedicated in-plant quality assurance team is on hand to provide regular visual inspection to maintain quality standard and to seek for continuous improvements. The team would review and offer precise washing formula suitable for each type of linen.
WashIt Apakah profesional di laundry dan dry cleaning bisnis, yang berarti kita selalu tetap up to date pada teknologi terbaru, metode pembersihan, dan solusi untuk menangani noda atau kain halus. Plus, kami mempertahankan standar tertinggi integritas bisnis dengan mengikuti peraturan lokal dan nasional dan peraturan keselamatan lingkungan!
Kami berusaha untuk memastikan kualitas laundry, pada waktu pengiriman dan layanan handal untuk semua linen, seragam dan tamu laundry kebutuhan. A-pabrik tim jaminan kualitas yang berdedikasi di tangan untuk memberikan inspeksi visual secara teratur untuk menjaga standar mutu dan untuk mencari perbaikan terus menerus. Tim akan meninjau dan menawarkan rumus mencuci yang tepat yang cocok untuk setiap jenis linen.


Memperbarui Washit 0.0.1

This is laundry app


  • Kategori:
    Rumah & Griya
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    RRG Software Pvt Ltd.
  • ID: