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United Telecoms Limited is a UTL group of companies, looking after the ....... Project in Jharkhand. UTL Group of Companies are engaged in Design, Manufacturing, Software development in the areas of telecommunications (all sectors - wired, wireless & fiber optic), networking, systems integration, software solutions, Contract R&D, PCB manufacturing, microelectronics design, precision engineering plastics tooling and moulding, electrical stampings and laminations, die-casting, mechanical fabrication etc. UTL?s greatest asset is its highly qualified and experienced manpower who have helped the company implement complex and multi disciplinary projects within given time frames. UTL has implemented quite a few large Projects amply demonstrating its Project Management Capabilities. Most of the Projects implemented by UTL are on Build, Own and Operate basis which establishes its financial strengths.
Inggris Telecoms Limited adalah kelompok UTL perusahaan, mencari setelah ....... Proyek di Jharkhand. UTL Group of Companies yang terlibat dalam desain, manufaktur, pengembangan perangkat lunak di bidang telekomunikasi (semua sektor - kabel, nirkabel & serat optik), jaringan, sistem integrasi, solusi perangkat lunak, kontrak R & D, manufaktur PCB, mikroelektronika desain, plastik rekayasa presisi perkakas dan molding, stamping listrik dan laminasi, mati, fabrikasi mekanik dll UTL? s aset terbesar adalah tenaga kerja yang berkualitas dan berpengalaman yang telah membantu perusahaan melaksanakan proyek-proyek disiplin yang kompleks dan multi dalam jangka waktu tertentu. UTL telah menerapkan beberapa Proyek besar cukup mendemonstrasikan Kemampuan Manajemen Proyek. Sebagian besar Proyek dilaksanakan oleh UTL berada di Build, Own Operate dan dasar yang menetapkan kekuatan keuangannya.