The No.1 store for free apps, games & videos. 20,000+ users downloaded Types of Cancer Treatment latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You get various free apps from the store. This hot app was released on 2018-07-28. It is available as a free download on 9Apps.
There are many types of cancer treatment. The types of treatment that you receive will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is.
Some people with cancer will have only one treatment. But most people have a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. When you need treatment for cancer, you have a lot to learn and think about. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and confused. But, talking with your doctor and learning about the types of treatment you may have can help you feel more in control.
Ada banyak jenis pengobatan kanker. Jenis perawatan yang Anda terima akan tergantung pada jenis kanker yang Anda miliki dan bagaimana lanjutan itu.
Beberapa orang dengan kanker akan memiliki hanya satu pengobatan. Tapi kebanyakan orang memiliki kombinasi perawatan, seperti pembedahan dengan kemoterapi dan / atau terapi radiasi. Bila Anda membutuhkan pengobatan untuk kanker, Anda harus banyak belajar dan berpikir tentang. Itu adalah normal untuk merasa kewalahan dan bingung. Tapi, berbicara dengan dokter Anda dan belajar tentang jenis pengobatan ini anda mungkin dapat membantu Anda merasa lebih memegang kendali.