It’s time to update your mobile application. 30,000+ users downloaded Chimer latest version on 9Apps for free every week! A lot of functions and features are contained in this app. This hot app was released on 2020-02-10. I will tell you how to use this app in the following page.
This is a recurring hourly (or minutely) chime/reminder application. Great for time management (such as for the Pomodoro Technique), meditation, cooking, timing experiments, or even as a pills reminder. Just set the time range and how often you want the alarm to go off and lean back and wait (or work, you know, be productive and whatnot). You can create multiple chimes for different needs, each with its own custom settings.
The premium key removes ads and enables cloud sync.
If you experience a problem please report it using the Send Feedback button so that I am aware of it as well, and if you would like to test out new features or the latest bug fixes before everyone else, then become a beta tester.
Ini adalah aplikasi pengingat / pengingat setiap jam (atau per menit) yang berulang. Sangat bagus untuk manajemen waktu (seperti untuk Teknik Pomodoro), meditasi, memasak, eksperimen pengaturan waktu, atau bahkan sebagai pengingat pil. Cukup atur rentang waktu dan seberapa sering Anda ingin alarm berbunyi dan bersandar dan menunggu (atau bekerja, Anda tahu, menjadi produktif dan yang lainnya). Anda dapat membuat beberapa lonceng untuk kebutuhan yang berbeda, masing-masing dengan pengaturan kustom sendiri.
Kunci premium menghapus iklan dan memungkinkan sinkronisasi cloud.
Jika Anda mengalami masalah, silakan laporkan dengan menggunakan tombol Kirim Umpan Balik sehingga saya juga menyadarinya, dan jika Anda ingin menguji fitur baru atau perbaikan bug terbaru sebelum orang lain, maka jadikan beta tester.
* Bug fixes, lots and lots of bug fixes
* Performance improvements, including reducing start time by 30%!
* New tick-tock chime feature for more complicated chimes. Try it out!
* New billing management
* Added more entries to the FAQ
* Improved translations