Free and secured download of Android apps on 9Apps. 30,000+ users downloaded TimeNote latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You can find this multifunction app on 9Apps easily. This hot app was released on 2019-07-09. Certainly you will love it after play.
Using Time Note you will helps you to:
1. Easily create a record of your working report.
2. Taking picture that will serve as a note.
3. Multiple record per day.
4. Sending of record Via Email / Social Apps
5. Converting work report into an excel file for easy submission
6. Back up and restoring data.
7. Can create and tag your teammates or colleagues.
8. Flexible salary computation with different rates.
Menggunakan Time Note Anda akan membantu Anda untuk:
1. Dengan mudah membuat catatan dari laporan kerja Anda.
2. Mengambil gambar yang akan berfungsi sebagai catatan.
3. Beberapa catatan per hari.
4. Mengirim catatan Melalui Email / Aplikasi Sosial
5. Mengubah laporan kerja menjadi file excel untuk pengiriman mudah
6. Cadangkan dan pulihkan data.
7. Dapat membuat dan memberi tag rekan tim atau kolega Anda.
8. Perhitungan gaji yang fleksibel dengan tarif yang berbeda.
1. Easy recording of working hours.
2. Taking a photo as note.
3. salary computation
4. Multiple record per day
5. Back up data
6. Import back up data
7. Sharing record by converting to Excel file and send via email or social apps.