ikon Sweet Camera Selfie

Sweet Camera Selfie

2.1.3 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Sweet Camera Selfie

It has to be noticed that 20,000+ users downloaded Sweet Camera Selfie latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The App has powerful functions. This hot app was released on 2019-03-15. To know more information, read the paragraph below.
All-in-one Live Face Sticker, Camera Stickers, Live Filter, Selfie Editor, Face Swap, Motion Stickers & Live Face Filters – SweetCamera is the newly designed camera beauty with face Stickers, motion stickers, makeup filters & makeup stickers, which utilizes face-tracking tech to animate your face in real-time with motion sticker, makeup stickers and make camera beauty selfie for you!
Sweet Camera Selfie is a free application, and is is very easy to use even if you are new to selfie. There are many interesting functions as you like, if you want all in one editor and also to take a selfie easily, you can try this photo editing tools, candy camera for selfie. Our Selfie Camera are also with various of photo filters and interesting trendy photo stickers! Your photos will become more artistic with the photo effects, just be a professional and creative selfie maker.
✿ Motion Stickers & Live Face Filters
✦ Photo live sticker maker offers real-time face filters & live filters & face swap & face stickers.
✦ Face Sticker, Filter, Face Swap Dozens of live filters, makeup filters, makeup stickers, live stickers, motion stickers are ready!
✿ Instant Photo Collage& Grid
✦ Creative Photo Collage, photo frames, layouts and photo grid
✦ Image cut, grid line crop, free drawing, image rotate, 360 degree views from any point. All photo editor effects in beauty cam.
Release your imagination right now!
✿ Candy Selfie Camera
✦ Sweet Camera Selfie
✦ Become a goddess in 1 step with default instabeauty effects
✦ Real-time skin beautifying effects
Big eyes, charming lips, slim nose, small face and teeth whitening with the smart & natural beautifying function, easily apply all the beautifying effects on your selfies!
✿ Camera Beauty Stickers with Fun Face Stickers
✦ SweetCamera – Face Sticker Free 100+ emoji camera stickers for beauty selfies.
✦ Kinds of cute emoticon stickers! Abs, Tattoos, Beards, Dog and Cat motion stickers~ Find photo stickers for you.
✦ Beauty makeup photo sticker editor, includes hairstyles, necklaces, earrings camera stickers.
✦ Camera sticker can be easily resized moved!
✿ Photo Edit Pro❤
✦ Beauty plus selfie camera
Quick-fix (contour), whiten & smooth skin, brighten & remove acne, facelift, etc.Easy editing.
✦ Photo editor includes:
Set tint, exposure, contrast, saturation, highlight, shadow, vignette, image blur, crop, rotate and color balance, etc.
✿ Other Features
✦ Motion Stickers & Filters
✦ Snap Camera – Face Mask support Silent selfie mode of camera beauty.
✦ Face Sticker, Filter, Face Swap – Face Mask Easily share to social sites from SweetCamera.
✦ Face Swap Tools
✦ 10+ languages are supported.
Now, Come to Sweet Camera Selfie to take a selfie and get best selfie in this camera selfie app and makeup camera app .. Use this photo editing tools, this candy camera for selfie and have a beauty selfie and share with your friends, you will find you can get more likes than before and be a selfie photo director! Happy enjoy it!
Stiker Wajah Langsung All-in-one, Stiker Kamera, Filter Langsung, Editor Swafoto, Tukar Wajah, Stiker Gerak & Filter Wajah Langsung - SweetCamera adalah keindahan kamera yang baru dirancang dengan Stiker wajah, stiker gerak, filter makeup & stiker makeup, yang memanfaatkan teknologi pelacakan wajah untuk menggerakkan wajah Anda secara real-time dengan stiker gerak, stiker rias, dan jadikan kamera selfie kecantikan untuk Anda!
Sweet Camera Selfie adalah aplikasi gratis, dan sangat mudah digunakan bahkan jika Anda baru mengenal selfie. Ada banyak fungsi menarik yang Anda inginkan, jika Anda ingin semua dalam satu editor dan juga untuk mengambil selfie dengan mudah, Anda dapat mencoba alat pengeditan foto ini, kamera permen untuk selfie. Kamera Selfie kami juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai filter foto dan stiker foto trendi yang menarik! Foto Anda akan menjadi lebih artistik dengan efek foto, hanya menjadi pembuat selfie profesional dan kreatif.
✿ Stiker Gerak & Filter Wajah Langsung
✦ Foto pembuat stiker langsung menawarkan filter wajah & filter langsung & pertukaran wajah & stiker wajah real-time.
✦ Stiker Wajah, Filter, Swap Wajah Lusinan filter langsung, filter makeup, stiker makeup, stiker langsung, stiker gerak sudah siap!
✿ Kolase & Kotak Foto Instan
✦ Kolase Foto Kreatif, bingkai foto, tata letak, dan kisi foto
✦ Potong gambar, potongan garis kisi, gambar gratis, rotasi gambar, tampilan 360 derajat dari titik mana pun. Semua efek editor foto di kamera kecantikan.
Lepaskan imajinasi Anda sekarang juga!
✿ Permen Kamera Selfie
✦ Kamera Manis Selfie
✦ Menjadi dewi dalam 1 langkah dengan efek instabeauty default
✦ Efek mempercantik kulit real-time
Mata besar, bibir menawan, hidung ramping, wajah kecil dan pemutihan gigi dengan fungsi mempercantik yang pintar & alami, dengan mudah menerapkan semua efek mempercantik pada selfie Anda!
✿ Stiker Kamera Kecantikan dengan Stiker Wajah Asyik
✦ SweetCamera - Stiker Wajah Stiker kamera emoji 100+ gratis untuk selfie kecantikan.
✦ Jenis stiker emotikon lucu! Abs, Tato, Jenggot, Stiker gerak Anjing dan Kucing ~ Temukan stiker foto untuk Anda.
✦ Editor stiker foto makeup kecantikan, termasuk gaya rambut, kalung, anting stiker kamera.
✦ Stiker kamera dapat dengan mudah dipindahkan ukurannya!
✿ Edit Foto Pro❤
✦ Kecantikan plus kamera selfie
Memperbaiki cepat (kontur), memutihkan & menghaluskan kulit, mencerahkan & menghilangkan jerawat, facelift, dll. Pengeditan mudah.
✦ Editor foto meliputi:
Atur warna, eksposur, kontras, saturasi, sorot, bayangan, sketsa, blur gambar, krop, putar dan keseimbangan warna, dll.
✿ Fitur Lainnya
✦ Stiker & Filter Gerak
✦ Snap Camera - Topeng Wajah mendukung mode selfie Diam kecantikan kamera.
✦ Stiker Wajah, Filter, Tukar Wajah - Masker Wajah dengan mudah berbagi ke situs sosial dari SweetCamera.
✦ Alat Swap Wajah
✦ 10+ bahasa didukung.
Sekarang, Datanglah ke Sweet Camera Selfie untuk mengambil selfie dan dapatkan selfie terbaik di aplikasi selfie kamera ini dan aplikasi kamera rias .. Gunakan alat pengeditan foto ini, kamera permen ini untuk selfie dan memiliki selfie kecantikan dan bagikan dengan teman-teman Anda, Anda akan temukan Anda bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak suka dari sebelumnya dan menjadi pengarah foto selfie! Selamat menikmati!


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