Download and enjoy our service, 20,000+ users downloaded Surah Kafirun Audio latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This will give an informative for the other crazy players. This hot app was released on 2019-11-12. More apps was release recently, you can download them and share with your friends!
Surah al-Kaafirun (The Disbelievers)
This Surah is ‘makki’ and has 6 verses. The Holy Prophet (S) said that reciting this Surah carries the reward of reciting a quarter of the Holy Qur’an. The recitation of this Surah drives away Shaitan and keeps one safe from Shirk.
It is also among the five Surahs that have been recommended to be recited during a journey, the others being Surah an-Nasr, at-Tawhid, al-Falaq and an-Naas. Reciting Surah al-Kafirun and at-Tawhid in compulsory prayers is a means for forgiveness of sins for the reciter, his parents and his children. If a person dies after reciting this Surah, it is as if he has died a martyr. Recitation of this Surah before sleeping keeps one safe the whole night.
Surah al-Kaafirun (Orang-orang Kafir)
Surah ini adalah 'makki' dan memiliki 6 ayat. Nabi Suci (S) mengatakan bahwa membaca Surah ini membawa imbalan membaca seperempat dari Al-Qur'an Suci. Bacaan Surat ini mengusir Setan dan membuat seseorang aman dari Syirik.
Itu juga di antara lima Surah yang telah direkomendasikan untuk dibacakan selama perjalanan, yang lain adalah Surah an-Nasr, at-Tawhid, al-Falaq dan an-Naas. Membaca Surah al-Kafirun dan at-Tauhid dalam doa wajib adalah sarana untuk pengampunan dosa bagi pembaca, orang tuanya dan anak-anaknya. Jika seseorang meninggal setelah membaca Surat ini, seolah-olah ia telah mati sebagai martir. Pembacaan Surat ini sebelum tidur membuat seseorang aman sepanjang malam.
Surah Kafirun Audio v1.2 released.