Enjoy the most popular apps here! 20,000+ users downloaded Sunshine Camera latest version on 9Apps for free every week! A lot of functions and features are contained in this app. This hot app was released on 2019-04-25. You’ll want to use it on your own phones after you know more.
Sunshine Camera is a powerful, simple-to-use camera app.
- main feature -
Freckle acne
Natural make-up
Professional filter effect, real-time adjustment of the best state, you can happily find your favorite models;
A variety of photo frames with different personality charms are available to make your photos unique;
Keep up with the trend of the times, super rich personality mapping effect with one button;
Basic operations such as cutting, rotating, etc.; adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness, sharpness, and create the perfect effect as you like;
Automatically take a picture with one button volume knob & tablet;
Sunshine Camera adalah aplikasi kamera yang kuat dan mudah digunakan.
- Fitur utama -
Bintik jerawat
Riasan alami
Efek filter profesional, penyesuaian waktu terbaik dari kondisi terbaik, Anda dapat dengan senang hati menemukan model favorit Anda;
Berbagai bingkai foto dengan pesona kepribadian berbeda tersedia untuk menjadikan foto Anda unik;
Bersaing dengan tren zaman, efek pemetaan kepribadian super kaya dengan satu tombol;
Operasi dasar seperti memotong, memutar, dll .; sesuaikan kecerahan, kontras, ketajaman, ketajaman, dan ciptakan efek sempurna sesuka Anda;
Mengambil gambar secara otomatis dengan satu tombol volume & tablet;