ikon Status Saver : WA Status Downloader

Status Saver : WA Status Downloader

1.3 for Android
4.5 | 5,000+ Instal

HMP Apps

Penjabaran dari 9apps Status Saver : WA Status Downloader

People ask Their friends, Family, And Relatives, to send Their awesome whats app statuses. But they are not free enough to send you their Whatsapp status instantly. So here Here Is a powerful and free Tool For You To save Your friend's Videos and images immediately From Whatsapp.

Now a Days Their Are Lots of Whatsapp Status saver app in the google play store and app markets. But it is very difficult to find the perfect downloader for Whatsapp, But No Need To Worry, we will suggest the best Whatsapp status saver among all of them with unique design and Features.
This exceptionally beneficial tool allows you to download the Media Files Of Whatsapp statuses from The WhatsApp. The Design Of
Whatsapp Status Downloader Very Unique, even though the design might be more beautiful. Yes, It is possible to download the Photos and Videos of all statuses currently seen on WhatsApp.
Do not forget that these videos and photos are temporary, and They disappear for good after 24 hours, So Great thanks to This app. Once downloading the status Wich You loved most from WhatsApp, you'll be able to get them in the own gallery or the app itself. You need to see the status of WhatsApp first, so they are registered in-app. Whatsapp Status Downloader is also a handy tool in case you are seeking to receive audiovisual content from
Whatsapp status downloader also helps to save statuses on multiple Whatsapp platforms such as Whatsapp business, GB Whatsapp, etc.
Whatsapp Status Downloader Is an application That Automatically Fetches videos and images from Whatsapp after seeing it on
Whatsapp. Then you can Download, Save or Repost That status Story from WhatsApp
How To Use
Here is a detailed step by step guide to Download and use this app.
1. The First Step is to see video or image Status on Whatsapp which you like to Save
2. after seeing the status Open Whatsapp status downloader 2020
3. Now You will see the Two Sections One is for videos and other one is for images
4. Click on Videos section if you want to download video status or click on images button if you're going to save image status
5. After that, you will find your Whatsapp statuses which you have liked and seen earlier in Whatsapp
6. After Finding Whatsapp status Click that video or image which you liked; Now You will see button On right Bottom oF the screen
7. Click on that button; now you will see Four Option like save, repost, share and delete
8. Click on Save to Download that status
9. After Downloading That Status, It will appear on the Gallery And App (In Download Section)
Here are some excellent features of this app
1. You can Repost any Whatsapp status to your Whatsapp status Quickly
2. You can share any status On Social media Such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok
3. You can also Put Your Status On Facebook and Instagram stories By Clicking on Share Button
4. You Can also Set your Whatsapp DP and home screen wallpaper Of any image status Directly From This App
5. There is an inbuilt media player to view videos and photos easily
6. Use Experience is Improved With Minimum ads (Only One banner ad)
7. There is an inbuilt gallery Inside the app For easy navigation to find saved statues

Note- If you find any bugs you can contact us on hmpapps94@gmail.com
We Hope That You Got the perfect Status Saver application.
HMP Apps​

Memperbarui Status Saver : WA Status Downloader 1.3

1 Bug Fix
2 New Design


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    Android 4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    HMP Apps
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