Enjoy the most popular apps here! 30,000+ users downloaded SportLook latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It shouldn't be surprising to find a app popular faithfully This hot app was released on 2018-12-13. 9Apps believe you can enjoy yourself in this funny app.
SportLook is a streaming video surveillance software, connect the phone through a hot sports DV , real-time monitoring.
Live cameras using the most advanced streaming media solutions , can achieve low-latency , high-quality images.
Software features:
1. Live Preview motion DV video screen .
2. You can control the motion DV take pictures , video , photography slow operation .
3. The camera features which include ordinary camera , regular camera , automatic camera , camera trajectory . Features include video , loop recording , time-lapse recording . Slow photography can be set according to different resolution .
4. The motion may be provided directly to the DV terminal -related settings, such as exposure, white balance and so on .
5. connection, real-time browsing, file management movement DV terminal , also can be downloaded to the phone side backup.
Prompt information:If the connected device always appears offline, please enter the mobile file management directory to delete the sportDV folder,then reconnect the device
SportLook adalah perangkat lunak surveilans video streaming, menghubungkan ponsel melalui olahraga panas DV, pemantauan real-time.
kamera langsung menggunakan solusi media streaming yang paling canggih, dapat mencapai low-latency, gambar berkualitas tinggi.
fitur perangkat lunak:
1. Preview motion layar DV Video langsung.
2. Anda dapat mengontrol gerakan DV mengambil gambar, video, fotografi lambat operasi.
3. Fitur kamera yang meliputi kamera biasa, kamera biasa, kamera otomatis, kamera lintasan. Fitur termasuk video, rekaman lingkaran, perekaman selang waktu. fotografi lambat dapat diatur sesuai dengan resolusi yang berbeda.
4. Gerak dapat diberikan langsung ke terminal DV -terkait pengaturan, seperti exposure, white balance dan sebagainya.
5. koneksi, real-time browsing, gerakan manajemen file DV terminal, juga dapat didownload untuk cadangan sisi ponsel.
informasi yang cepat: Jika perangkat terhubung selalu muncul secara offline, silahkan masukkan direktori manajemen file mobile untuk menghapus folder sportDV, lalu hubungkan kembali perangkat
Compatible android8.1