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People see pictures every day and everywhere. They are in the newspapers, on wall as art, on billboards too. Photographs didn’t exist not long ago but when they were developed they took the world by storm. Nearly 200 years later people have cameras in their phones and can print pictures wirelessly straight from our phones or cameras. The invention of photography was an advancement that not only changed humanities but also changed the world as it evolved.
Photography was developed towards the end of Industrial Revolution and the beginning of the Victorian Era. It’s no surprise that photography was also developed during the industrial revolution seeing that many developments were made during that time period. The 19th Century was also known as the Romantic Era, where people revolted against the political and social regularity’s during the Age of Enlightenment (Rosenblum, 2010).This Era took a steep turn into realism through the art of photography, since it brought a realistic sense of whatever it captured rather than viewing a painting through an artist’s perceptions and interpretations.
Orang-orang melihat gambar setiap hari dan di mana-mana. Mereka ada di koran, di dinding sebagai seni, di papan reklame juga. Foto-foto tidak ada belum lama ini tetapi ketika mereka dikembangkan mereka mengambil dunia dengan badai. Hampir 200 tahun kemudian orang memiliki kamera di telepon mereka dan dapat mencetak gambar secara nirkabel langsung dari telepon atau kamera kami. Penemuan fotografi adalah sebuah kemajuan yang tidak hanya mengubah humaniora tetapi juga mengubah dunia ketika berevolusi.
Fotografi dikembangkan menjelang akhir Revolusi Industri dan awal Era Victoria. Tidak mengherankan bahwa fotografi juga dikembangkan selama revolusi industri melihat bahwa banyak perkembangan dibuat selama periode waktu itu. Abad ke-19 juga dikenal sebagai Era Romantis, di mana orang-orang memberontak terhadap keteraturan politik dan sosial selama Zaman Pencerahan (Rosenblum, 2010). Era ini mengambil tikungan tajam menjadi realisme melalui seni fotografi, karena ia membawa realistik rasa apa pun yang ditangkap daripada melihat lukisan melalui persepsi dan interpretasi seorang seniman.
A photography blog