9Apps provide lots of India android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded Solo Lock Screen latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2015-03-05. Why not download and play it now?
Simple and easy application to turn off your device with
Solo Launcher
This plugin will enable Solo Launcher to use "Double-tap to turn off screen" feature.
Locker Screen Master
- Disable the "Double-tap to turn off screen" feature in the main application.
- Disable administrator permissions in Settings -> Location & Security -> Select device administrators -> uncheck "TurnOffScreen".
Aplikasi sederhana dan mudah untuk mematikan perangkat Anda dengan
Solo Launcher
Plugin ini akan memungkinkan Solo Launcher untuk menggunakan "Double-tap untuk mematikan layar" fitur.
Layar Locker Guru
- Nonaktifkan "Ketuk dua kali untuk mematikan layar" fitur dalam aplikasi utama.
- Izin administrator Nonaktifkan di Settings -> Location & Security -> Pilih administrator perangkat -> hapus centang "TurnOffScreen".