ikon Smartarea


2.3.1 for Android
4.2 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

instant:solutions OG

Penjabaran dari 9apps Smartarea

What is Smartarea?
With Smartarea you can measure areas and distances on the quick.
It’s the perfect tool for your field work, construction, calculation of roof areas, sports and a lot more.
How does Smartarea work?
Smartarea is using your mobile phone’s GPS signal for all calculations. After the installation you can immediately measure for instance your property.
Functions of Smartarea:
Measurement of areas and distances via Google Maps
You can set, adapt and delete measurement points by touching the display
You can search for your current position via GPS or network and add your location as a measurement point
The view scales and centers automatically
You can choose between different measurement units
Possibility to change between map- and satellite view
Export your measured areas into Google Earth or Google Maps (KML-file)
Name your areas and send your data as image (.png) or KML-file via e-mail


Memperbarui Smartarea 2.3.1

Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Kategori:
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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    instant:solutions OG
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  • avatar
    Cocok banget untuk surveyor kadastral
    2020-09-04 02:47
  • avatar
    bagus ok
    2020-06-16 05:38
  • avatar
    Uda mantap sih Katanya save label. Tp dimana kita lihat yg kita save? Tlg kasitau dong
    2020-05-31 01:55
  • avatar
    Kurang akurat
    2020-05-11 11:14
  • avatar
    Klw kena warna hijau tdk bs diklik lg padahal tanah nya masuk ke dalam
    2019-12-27 17:24
  • avatar
    mau coba dulu
    2019-12-07 09:43