ikon Smart Calculator

Smart Calculator

1.1 for Android
5.0 | 5,000+ Instal

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Penjabaran dari 9apps Smart Calculator

Body Calculator
- BMI (Body Mass Index) - Body Mass Index (BMI) I a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. BMI can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. A score below 20 indicates that you are underweight; while a score above 25 means you may be overweight. Values are shown here fall into following categories:
- Underweight
- Normal Weight
- Overweight
- Obese (Class 1) - Moderately obese
- Obese (Class 2) - Severely obese
- Obese (Class 3) - Very Severely obese
- ABF (Army Body Fat) - Army Body Fat Calculator is based on the U.S Army Regulations of Standard Medical Fitness. This calculator will determine your body fat percentage.
- Calorie and Carbohydrate Intake - The Carbohydrate Calculator estimates the percentage of carbohydrates you will need each day. The Calorie Calculator estimates the number of calories a person need to consume each day.
- Body Fat - The Body Fat Calculator can be used to estimate your total body fat based on your size.
Math Calculator
- Fraction Calculator - Enter numbers of your choice and press “Calculate” button to get a result.
- Fraction Addition
- Fraction Subtraction
- Fraction Multiplication
- Fraction Division
- Simplify Fraction
- Fraction to Decimal
- Decimal to Fraction
- Percentage Calculator
- Calculate Percentage
- Percentage Difference
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Error Find Calculator
- Absolute Error
- Relative Error
- Percent Error
- Exponent Calculator -
- Root Calculator
- Volume Calculator - Volume Calculator for various shapes available in app are:
- Calculate Ball Volume
- Calculate Cone Volume
- Calculate Cube Volume
- Calculate Rectangular Tank Volume
- Calculate Capsule Volume
- Calculate Cap Volume
- Ratio Calculator
- Area Calculator - Area Calculator for various shapes to estimate area available in app are:
- Area of Rectangle
- Area of Square
- Area of Triangle
- Area of Circle
- Area of Trapezoid
- Area of Ellipse
- GCD Calculator
- LCM Calculator
This App is developed at ASWDC by Vishwa Ghodasara (130540107036), and Goral Ribadiya (140540107043), 7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot run by Students & Staff of Computer Engineering Department
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Memperbarui Smart Calculator 1.1



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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
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