It has to be noticed that 30,000+ users downloaded Shri Ganesh 7.0 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Many latest version apps provided on 9Apps too. This hot app was released on 2018-05-28. That’s it! You’re done?
Shri Ganesh 7.0 App. is a Financial Accounting Software that provides Analytical Reports Like Outstanding Receivable / Payable and Account Ledger with Multi Filtration.
S.G 7.0,Shri Ganesh 7.0,Shri Ganesh,OmTech Software
Shri Ganesh 7.0 App. adalah Software Akuntansi Keuangan yang menyediakan Analitis Laporan Seperti Posisi Piutang / Hutang dan Akun Ledger dengan Multi Filtrasi.
S.G 7.0, Shri Ganesh 7.0, Shri Ganesh, Software OmTech
Running Balance in Outstanding Report