Some India application are update now! 20,000+ users downloaded Senior High Selector latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app is intended for an adult audience. This hot app was released on 2019-03-27. To read more info about mobile apps, you can click on 9Apps.
This apps let incoming Philippines Senior High School students to learn the different tracks that they can pursue. It lists a details of each career path and the future collegiate course that they will take.
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan siswa SMA Filipina yang masuk untuk mempelajari trek yang berbeda yang dapat mereka kejar. Ini daftar rincian setiap jalur karir dan kursus perguruan tinggi masa depan yang akan mereka ambil.
Philippine Senior High School Track Guide.
A quick guide to learn the different academic tracks for an incoming Grade 11 student.
Good luck!!!