This article is about hot apps for android. 20,000+ users downloaded Selfie by Voice latest version on 9Apps for free every week! All its functions are there and updated. This hot app was released on 2018-06-13. Find out more android software you're looking for at
Selfie by Voice allows you to take selfies with the front camera or photo with the phone's main camera simply by saying one or more words, which can be customized.
The photos can then be viewed in the Selfie by Voice internal gallery or in the SelfiebyVoice gallery folder of the phone.
It's possible increase the sensitivity of the speech recognition so that the voice command to take the picture is recognized even in case of other noises in the environment.
Selfie by Voice application through you gets any selfie or photo just you speak one or more word.
Great for group photos or for selfies at a distance and much more.
Selfie oleh Voice memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil foto narsis dengan kamera depan atau foto dengan kamera utama telepon hanya dengan mengatakan satu kata atau lebih, yang dapat disesuaikan.
Foto-foto kemudian dapat dilihat di Selfie dengan Voice galeri internal maupun dalam folder galeri SelfiebyVoice telepon.
Itu mungkin meningkatkan sensitivitas speech recognition sehingga perintah suara untuk mengambil gambar diakui bahkan dalam kasus suara-suara lain di lingkungan.
Selfie oleh aplikasi Voice melalui Anda mendapat setiap selfie atau foto hanya Anda berbicara satu atau lebih kata.
Bagus untuk foto kelompok atau untuk narsis di kejauhan dan banyak lagi.