ikon Selfie Camera Filters

Selfie Camera Filters

1.2.191226 for Android
5.0 | 500,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Selfie Camera Filters

We access you a main official website for app download. 30,000+ users downloaded Selfie Camera Filters latest version on 9Apps for free every week! When you click, the app will start downloading and wait till it completes installation you can start play. This hot app was released on 2019-12-29. Certainly you will love it after play.
Sweet Snap Selfie Camera edit your photo to look cute girl with hundred of heart crown effect, flower crown, dog face camera, cat stickers...
Selfie Camera Filters user guide:
- Take beautiful or funny photos for yourself or your friends.
- Share theses photos to social media networks.
- Manage them in Funny GIFs or other galleries.
You can add funny stickers for Selfie photo: Heart Crown, Filters Crown, Cute Rabbit, Doggy Face, Snappy photo, and collage. Use it to have playful time with your friends and take some interesting bunny photos choose different bunny effects or stickers and take photos as you like.
Live Face Camera free cute & Funny Motion Stickers features
- Stunning Artistic Filters
- Over 50 lovely rabbit stickers to choose
- Automatic face recognition for numerous faces
- Easy to use Companion volume of Sweet Face Camera
- Hilarious GIFs
- Supports Video
- Supports Photo model
- Share pMotos and videos to social media networks.
# Camera face - face filters
Use face camera offers snap for absolutely funny and stunning face modifications
# Swift Sharing
Share your photos on all social platforms in a single click.
Feature of Selfie Camera Filters
★ Easy to use with a simple interface
★ More than 50++ Flower Crown sticker, Heart Crown sticker, cat face sticker, dog face sticker and heart/bird effect
★ Easily add text and change font, style to text
★ Amazing photo fx filter
★ Save your photos with Full HD quality
★ Share your photographer with friends through social networking
Selfie Camera Filters is the perfect choice to look cute girl.
Sweet Snap Selfie Camera mengedit foto Anda untuk melihat gadis cantik dengan ratusan efek mahkota hati, mahkota bunga, kamera wajah anjing, stiker kucing ...
Kamera Selfie Menyaring panduan pengguna:
- Ambil foto yang indah atau lucu untuk diri sendiri atau teman-teman Anda.
- Bagikan foto-foto ini ke jejaring media sosial.
- Kelola mereka di GIF Lucu atau galeri lain.
Anda dapat menambahkan stiker lucu untuk foto Selfie: Heart Crown, Filter Crown, Cute Rabbit, Doggy Face, foto tajam, dan kolase. Gunakan itu untuk bersenang-senang dengan teman-teman Anda dan ambil beberapa foto kelinci yang menarik pilih efek kelinci yang berbeda atau stiker dan ambil foto sesuka Anda.
Live Face Camera gratis fitur Lucu & Lucu Motion Stiker
- Filter Artistik Menakjubkan
- Lebih dari 50 stiker kelinci yang indah untuk dipilih
- Pengenalan wajah otomatis untuk banyak wajah
- Mudah digunakan Volume pendamping Kamera Wajah Manis
- GIF Lucu
- Mendukung Video
- Mendukung model Foto
- Bagikan pMotos dan video ke jaringan media sosial.
# Camera face - face filters
Gunakan kamera wajah menawarkan snap untuk modifikasi wajah yang benar-benar lucu dan memukau
# Berbagi Cepat
Bagikan foto Anda di semua platform sosial dalam satu klik.
Fitur Filter Kamera Selfie
★ Mudah digunakan dengan antarmuka yang sederhana
★ Lebih dari 50 ++ stiker Flower Crown, stiker Heart Crown, stiker wajah kucing, stiker wajah anjing dan hati / burung
★ Mudah menambahkan teks dan mengubah font, gaya ke teks
★ Filter foto fx menakjubkan
★ Simpan foto Anda dengan kualitas Full HD
★ Bagikan fotografer Anda dengan teman-teman melalui jejaring sosial
Selfie Camera Filters adalah pilihan sempurna untuk melihat gadis cantik.

Memperbarui Selfie Camera Filters 1.2.191226

- Fixed bugs on new android version
- Happy new year 2020 to you ^ - ^


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    Android 4.0.3 or later
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