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Introducing the app, the leading destination for original reporting on news, politics, and culture in India.
Our award-winning team of journalists brings readers insightful analysis and opinion on the day’s headlines alongside a fresh mix of features on music, books, and cinema. Stories further come to life with stunning imagery, interactive multimedia, and curated social commentary.
Stories within the app are presented in an elegant newsfeed that allows readers to seamlessly discover rich and exciting pieces. Like what you see? Share the stories with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or other social accounts!
Happy Scrolling!
Memperkenalkan aplikasi, tujuan utama untuk pelaporan berita, politik, dan budaya di India.
Tim pemenang penghargaan kami wartawan membawa pembaca analisis mendalam dan opini tentang berita utama hari itu bersama campuran segar fitur musik, buku, dan bioskop. Cerita selanjutnya datang untuk hidup dengan citra yang menakjubkan, multimedia interaktif, dan komentar sosial curated.
Cerita dalam aplikasi disajikan dalam newsfeed elegan yang memungkinkan pembaca untuk mulus menemukan potongan kaya dan menarik. Seperti yang kau lihat? Berbagi cerita dengan teman-teman Anda di Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp atau akun sosial lainnya!
Senang Scrolling!
- With the new update you will be able to sign up or login to on your Android app to avail Scroll+ subscriber benefits. We have recently launched *The Plus*, which is an exclusive section only for subscribers. *The Plus in Scroll+* features a regularly updated mix of hand-picked experiences, invitations, and offers. You will also get an ads-free version and complete access to archives when you are subscribed to Scroll+.
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