Following is the introduction of a wonderful App. 20,000+ users downloaded Scientific Calculator latest version on 9Apps for free every week! More functions were added in this app. This hot app was released on 2019-01-25. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
CalcTastic Scientific Calculator is a high-precision, feature-rich scientific calculator with years of refinement and thousands of satisfied users. Choose from 5 different themes, a configurable display and your choice of operation, Algebraic or RPN.
CalcTastic Scientific Calculator is FREE but comes with many great features including a Unit Converter, Fractions, Complex Numbers, Advanced Statistics, History & Memory Registers and a full-online Help Section.
If you find CalcTastic Scientific Calculator useful, consider the PLUS version ($1 USD). The PLUS version also includes Polar-Form Complex Numbers, 7 Additional Themes and a Full-Featured Programmers Calculator.
- High Internal Precision
- Algebraic (Prefix or Postfix) or RPN Calculator Modes
- Expression or Stack Display
- Expression History with 20 Records
- Calculator Stack with 20-50 Registers
- Memory with 10 Registers
- 5 High-Quality Themes
- Copy and Paste
- Configurable Numeric Display (Decimal and Grouping)
- Intuitive long-click feature removes the need to press SHIFT
- Easier to use than traditional Casio or HP calculators (11C / 15C)
- Rectangular Form Complex Number Support
- Real, Imaginary, Magnitude, Argument and Conjugate functions
- Fractions and Fraction Calculations
- Convert Decimals to Fractions
- Degree, Minute, Second Support
- Standard, Scientific, Engineering and Fixed Decimal Notations
- Configurable Display Precision from 0 - 12 digits
- Table of 44 Physical Constants
- 289 different conversion units across 18 categories
- Trig functions in Degrees, Radians or Grads
- Hyperbolic Trig functions
- Natural and Base-10 Logarithms
- Percent and Delta Percentage
- Remainder, Absolute, Ceiling and Floor operations
- Factorial
- Combinations and Permutations
- Random Number Generator
- 15 Single-Variable Statistics commands operate on all stack entries
- Quantity, Min, Max, Range, Sum, Median
- Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Mean Squared
- Sum Squared, Sum of Squares of Variance
- Sample Variance, Sample Standard Deviation
- Population Variance, Population Standard Deviation
CalcTastic Scientific Calculator adalah presisi tinggi, kaya fitur kalkulator ilmiah dengan tahun perbaikan dan ribuan pengguna puas. Pilih dari 5 tema yang berbeda, tampilan dikonfigurasi dan pilihan Anda operasi, aljabar atau RPN.
CalcTastic Scientific Calculator adalah GRATIS tapi datang dengan banyak fitur yang besar termasuk Unit Converter, Fraksi, Bilangan Kompleks, Statistik Lanjutan, Sejarah & Memory Register dan Bantuan Seksi penuh secara online.
Jika Anda menemukan CalcTastic Scientific Calculator berguna, mempertimbangkan versi PLUS ($ 1 USD). Versi PLUS juga termasuk Polar-Form Complex Numbers, 7 Tema Tambahan dan Pemrogram Kalkulator Fitur Lengkap.
- Presisi tinggi internal
- Aljabar (Awalan atau Postfix) atau RPN Calculator Mode
- Ekspresi atau Stack Tampilan
- Sejarah Ekspresi dengan 20 Rekor
- Kalkulator Stack dengan 20-50 Register
- Memory dengan 10 Register
- 5-Kualitas Tinggi Tema
- Salin dan tempel
- Dikonfigurasi Numeric Tampilan (Decimal dan Pengelompokan)
- Fitur-klik panjang intuitif menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk menekan SHIFT
- Mudah digunakan daripada Casio tradisional atau HP kalkulator (11C / 15C)
- Rectangular Formulir Kompleks Jumlah Dukungan
- Real Imajiner, Magnitude, Argumen dan fungsi Conjugate
- Fraksi dan Perhitungan Fraksi
- Mengkonversi Desimal ke Pecahan
- Gelar, Menit, Kedua Dukungan
- Standard, Scientific, Teknik dan Fixed Decimal Notasi
- Dikonfigurasi Tampilan Presisi 0-12 digit
- Tabel 44 Konstanta Fisik
- 289 unit konversi yang berbeda di seluruh 18 kategori
- Trigonometri fungsi dalam Derajat, Radian atau Grad
- fungsi hiperbolik Trig
- Alam dan Base-10 Logaritma
- Persen dan Persentase Delta
- Sisa, Absolute, langit-langit dan lantai operasi
- faktorial
- Kombinasi dan Permutasi
- Random Number Generator
- 15 Single-Variabel Statistik perintah beroperasi pada semua entri tumpukan
- Jumlah, Min, Max, Range, Sum, Median
- Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Berarti Squared
- Sum Squared, Sum of Squares of Variance
- Sampel Variance, Contoh Standar Deviasi
- Populasi Variance, Standard Deviasi Populasi
Minor Fixes.