Through this app you can directly access your favorite "Sauces" without changing the link or url manually.
Is available for 36 different sites, and allows you to save all the "Sauces" that you have viewed and that you liked more in a special text file easily accessible from the internal memory of your smartphone.
There are also a button for reverse image search, linked to SauceNAO and a chronology system who save automatically in a list in app the last 7 sauces searched.
Melalui aplikasi ini Anda dapat langsung mengakses "Saus" favorit Anda tanpa mengubah tautan atau url secara manual.
Tersedia untuk 36 situs yang berbeda, dan memungkinkan Anda menyimpan semua "Saus" yang telah Anda lihat dan yang Anda sukai lebih dalam file teks khusus yang mudah diakses dari memori internal ponsel cerdas Anda.
Ada juga tombol untuk pencarian gambar terbalik, terhubung ke SauceNAO dan sistem kronologi yang menyimpan secara otomatis dalam daftar di aplikasi 7 saus terakhir dicari.
Release 1.6.2
- Added 6 new Button sites
- Renamed Button Rule34 in Rule34xxx
- Added a new Button called "Reverse Image Search" who open directly SauceNAO Site (Rick Savage is so happy)
- Shrinked Save and Open Buttons to better contain the text of the Sauces