Welcome to our app recommend. 20,000+ users downloaded SMAN latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You can find this multifunction app on 9Apps easily. This hot app was released on 2018-07-04. Get the latest version now!
S-Man (Single Medical Account Number) offers you a centralized flow of health care eliminating one of the major problems of the health care Industry which is paper perceptions and printed medical reports.
A platform of Indian Medical Industry where all doctors and Medicinal outlets come on one Platform. S-MAN is the first Global platform to bring all medical units under one roof. S-MAN is making a digital India medical Industry.
S-Man (Single Medis Nomor Rekening) menawarkan aliran terpusat perawatan kesehatan menghilangkan salah satu masalah utama dari Industri perawatan kesehatan yang persepsi kertas dan laporan medis dicetak.
Sebuah platform India Industri Medis di mana semua dokter dan outlet Obat datang pada satu platform. S-MAN adalah platform global pertama yang membawa semua unit medis di bawah satu atap. S-MAN adalah membuat India Industri medis digital.