ikon S-Patch Cardio

S-Patch Cardio for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Corp. Wellysis

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Welcome to the official store for application World. 30,000+ users downloaded S-Patch Cardio latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You can find this multifunction app on 9Apps easily. This hot app was released on 2020-01-25. Besides, you can also select other popular apps you like here!
The S-Patch Cardio is a medical-grade ECG monitoring solution intended for use in the diagnosis of arrhythmia for patients with suspected cardiac symptoms such as but not limited to:
Abnormalities of heartbeat, abnormalities of breathing, lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, sweating, pre-syncope, syncope, fatigue, or anxiety.
The overall solution consists of:
a) S-Patch, a single-lead ECG monitor that continuously measures electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate (HR) signals,
b) S-Patch Cardio App installed on a mobile device that receives the live stream of digitized ECG and HR signals from S-Patch, and
c) S-Patch Cardio Portal, a cloud-based analytics platform to which the completed ECG recordings are uploaded and analyzed for further review by the cardiologists.
Key features of the S-Patch Cardio App:
- Display incoming ECG stream in real-time
- Calculate and display HR
- Manage Diary (log symptoms and activities)
- Start, Pause and End the ECG Recording
- Send completed ECG recording to S-Patch Cardio cloud platform
- Alert device disconnects
S-Patch Cardio adalah solusi pemantauan EKG tingkat medis yang dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam diagnosis aritmia bagi pasien dengan dugaan gejala jantung seperti tetapi tidak terbatas pada:
Kelainan detak jantung, kelainan pernapasan, pusing, pusing, sakit dada, berkeringat, pra-sinkop, sinkop, kelelahan, atau kecemasan.
Solusi keseluruhan terdiri dari:
a) S-Patch, monitor EKG timbal tunggal yang secara terus-menerus mengukur sinyal elektrokardiogram (EKG) dan denyut jantung (SDM),
b) Aplikasi S-Patch Cardio yang diinstal pada perangkat seluler yang menerima aliran langsung sinyal EKG dan SDM digital dari S-Patch, dan
c) S-Patch Cardio Portal, platform analitik berbasis cloud di mana rekaman EKG yang lengkap diunggah dan dianalisis untuk ditinjau lebih lanjut oleh para ahli jantung.
Fitur utama dari S-Patch Cardio App:
- Menampilkan aliran EKG yang masuk secara real-time
- Hitung dan tampilkan SDM
- Kelola Buku Harian (gejala dan aktivitas log)
- Mulai, Jeda, dan Akhiri Perekaman EKG
- Kirim rekaman EKG selesai ke platform cloud S-Patch Cardio
- Peringatan perangkat terputus

Memperbarui S-Patch Cardio

An ECG monitoring application designed to be used with Wellysis S-Patch, a wearable ECG patch


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Corp. Wellysis
  • ID: