As we all know, 20,000+ users downloaded Giant Robot Battle latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Players who wants to play both because this app is good and because the app are response quickly at any time. This hot app was released on 2019-10-11. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
Let’s be ready to participate in Robot Giant team wrestling championship League upcoming fighting events. it is challenging , thrilling and more adventure fight game so do not hesitate to face your opponents. speed robot giant champion’s combines with action fights & show real experience of super robot team wrestling comics in action 3d game. Real Giant robot Speed hero provides you a chance to enjoy the robot wrestling games as superhero robot fighting games and Final punch of robot at the same time.
Are you want to take down the monster robot in the final revolution wrestling round? you have a power of Giant speed robot & your dream wrestler with Giant belt championship. Join world Knockout wrestling robot ring & defeat one by one opponents in given your hardest punch in the Giant robot fighting game Arena. Robot tranmute power into futuristic ring battle game give you a challenge, perform particular combos punches & win a title of grand robot boxing arena championship. giant Iron robot fighting games have a different ring battle stage.
Robot Wrestling Superstars Team 2019 fighting game will give you access to all superstar giant wrestlers & world power superhero fighters robots in mega events of world boxing championship with 3D game play. Defeat all rival team champion boxer in this universal Giant wrestling robot competition game and become super robot champion of wrestling professional federation. Win the battle of incredible robots in challenging tournament. So what are you waiting for?
ultimate giant robot Wrestling fight team 2019 and superstar doubles fighting game offers multi robot fighting experience to fans in this punch robot fight game. mega robot wrestling game lovers will enjoy & find it more incredible fighting robot battle game. Let’s become universal champion of robot storm beating all superhero team champion wrestlers in the world. clan of world robot team wrestling champions this addictive wrestling & fighting game. Defeat all the world class monster robot team champions. Fight using a variety of revolutionary tricks such as pins to gain,close fighting, joint locks, throws and take downs. Easy gameplay and smooth controls.
Clash of Giant Robot Wrestling 2019 Game Features:
- World heavy weight champions battle against legend robots
- Amazing robot realistic fighting motions
- Giant robot Cage Fighting Tournament
- Universal Superstars Wrestling Champion’s Tournament
- Face different legend wrestling rivals technique
- Super freestyle knockout mode.
Mari kita siap untuk berpartisipasi dalam kejuaraan pertarungan tim Liga Robot raksasa yang akan datang. itu adalah game pertarungan yang menantang, mendebarkan, dan lebih petualangan jadi jangan ragu untuk menghadapi lawan Anda. juara robot kecepatan raksasa menggabungkan dengan aksi perkelahian & menunjukkan pengalaman nyata komik gulat tim robot super dalam game aksi 3d. Robot Raksasa Nyata Pahlawan kecepatan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menikmati permainan gulat robot sebagai game pertempuran robot superhero dan pukulan robot terakhir pada saat yang sama.
Apakah Anda ingin menjatuhkan robot monster di putaran final gulat revolusi? Anda memiliki kekuatan robot kecepatan raksasa & pegulat impian Anda dengan kejuaraan sabuk raksasa. Bergabunglah dengan dunia robot ring gulat Knockout & kalahkan satu per satu lawan dalam waktu yang ditentukan. Tunjukkan pukulan terberat Anda di Arena pertempuran robot raksasa. Robot mentransmisikan daya ke dalam permainan pertempuran cincin futuristik memberi Anda tantangan, melakukan pukulan kombo khusus & memenangkan gelar kejuaraan arena tinju robot besar. game pertempuran robot besi raksasa memiliki tahap pertempuran cincin yang berbeda.
Robot Game Wrestling Superstars Team 2019 akan memberikan Anda akses ke semua pegulat raksasa superstar & robot petarung superhero dunia dalam even-even besar kejuaraan tinju dunia dengan permainan game 3D. Kalahkan semua petinju juara tim saingan dalam permainan kompetisi robot gulat Raksasa universal ini dan jadilah juara robot super dari federasi profesional gulat. Menangkan pertempuran robot luar biasa di turnamen yang menantang. Jadi tunggu apa lagi?
robot raksasa terbesar Tim pertarungan gulat 2019 dan game pertempuran superstar ganda menawarkan pengalaman pertempuran multi-robot untuk para penggemar dalam game pertarungan robot pukulan ini. pecinta game gulat mega robot akan menikmati & menemukannya game pertempuran robot pertempuran yang lebih luar biasa. Mari kita menjadi juara universal badai robot mengalahkan semua pegulat juara tim superhero di dunia. Klan juara gulat tim robot dunia, game gulat & bertarung adiktif ini. Kalahkan semua juara tim robot monster kelas dunia. Berkelahi menggunakan berbagai trik revolusioner seperti pin untuk mendapatkan, pertarungan dekat, kunci bersama, melempar dan mencatat. Gameplay yang mudah dan kontrol yang halus.
Fitur Clash of Giant Robot Wrestling 2019 Game:
- Juara dunia kelas berat bertarung melawan robot legenda
- Gerakan robot realistis pertempuran menakjubkan
- Turnamen Cage Fighting robot raksasa
- Turnamen Juara Universal Superstars Wrestling
- Menghadapi teknik saingan gulat legenda yang berbeda
- Mode KO gaya bebas super.
- Improve game play
- Added new modes