Recently, we found a very popular application. 30,000+ users downloaded PubgWallpaper latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app has also been given a bit of a visual makeover, too This hot app was released on 2019-02-17. For more mobile apps information, you can go to our official website - 9Apps.
App Features-
▪ Download wallpapers in Single Click
▪ High-Quality HD Wallpapers, Specially Optimized for Less Data Consumption
▪ Brand new, beautiful HD Backgrounds updated every day
• Save your favorite wallpapers and access them through "Favorites
▪ Best HD Backgrounds app can share images in a single Click on Social Networks
• Simple & user-friendly interface
• Super-fast & lightweight app
Fitur Aplikasi-
▪ Unduh wallpaper dalam Klik Tunggal
▪ Wallpaper HD Berkualitas Tinggi, Dioptimalkan Khusus untuk Konsumsi Data Lebih Sedikit
▪ Latar belakang HD baru dan indah yang diperbarui setiap hari
• Simpan wallpaper favorit Anda dan akses melalui "Favorit
▪ Aplikasi Background HD Terbaik dapat berbagi gambar dalam satu Klik di Jejaring Sosial
• Antarmuka yang sederhana & ramah pengguna
• Aplikasi super cepat & ringan
Amazing PubgWallpaper with 3D effect.