Have you ever read one of those reviews about a app? 20,000+ users downloaded PowerMac SAP latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Therefore, people are willing to accept this latest version. This hot app was released on 2019-12-27. More similar hot applications can be found here too.
PowerMac SAP -School Management Software is unique and comprehensive school software. School Management Software provides the facility to carry out all day to day activities of the school, making them fast, easy, efficient and accurate. Software which helps the school to manage complex functions such as Student, fees, results, attendance, library, staff, transport, examination, hostel, parents. It will manage your school as you want, Starting from admissions to attendance and exams to result cards.
Software including 30 Modues with 3 Panel (Admin, Staff and Student).Enquiry, Registration, Admission, Fees, Accounts, Dues, MIS Reports, FinancialReport, SMS, Admit card, Exam Hall arrangement, Marksheet, Certificate, Transport, GPS, Attendance,Dynamic Website, Android App any many more…
The Basic features offered by this software is really helpful to keep tracking Students basic and Educational information like Student’s exams, Student results & other activities that were done by the Students and much more which is very helpful as educational institutions.
We attempt to achieve maximum customer satisfaction through continuous feedback mechanism and continual improvement in Quality Management Systems. We are ready with all sorts of solutions and we deliver any application that is web based and further our solutions are designed to adapt your business rather than your business adapting the software. Our solutions are 100% fruitful and empower you to take control of your business online and in real time
PowerMac SAP -School Management Software adalah perangkat lunak sekolah yang unik dan komprehensif. Software Manajemen Sekolah menyediakan fasilitas untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari di sekolah, menjadikannya cepat, mudah, efisien, dan akurat. Perangkat lunak yang membantu sekolah mengelola fungsi-fungsi kompleks seperti Siswa, biaya, hasil, kehadiran, perpustakaan, staf, transportasi, ujian, asrama, orang tua. Ini akan mengelola sekolah Anda seperti yang Anda inginkan, Mulai dari penerimaan hingga kehadiran dan ujian hingga kartu hasil.
Perangkat lunak termasuk 30 Mode dengan 3 Panel (Admin, Staf dan Mahasiswa). Permintaan, Pendaftaran, Penerimaan, Biaya, Akun, Iuran, Laporan MIS, FinancialReport, SMS, kartu Admit, pengaturan Ruang Ujian, Marksheet, Sertifikat, Transportasi, GPS, Kehadiran , Situs Web Dinamis, Aplikasi Android lebih banyak lagi ...
Fitur Dasar yang ditawarkan oleh perangkat lunak ini sangat membantu untuk melacak informasi dasar dan Pendidikan Siswa seperti ujian Siswa, hasil Siswa & kegiatan lain yang dilakukan oleh Siswa dan banyak lagi yang sangat membantu sebagai lembaga pendidikan.
Kami berupaya mencapai kepuasan pelanggan maksimal melalui mekanisme umpan balik berkelanjutan dan peningkatan berkelanjutan dalam Sistem Manajemen Mutu. Kami siap dengan segala macam solusi dan kami memberikan aplikasi apa pun yang berbasis web dan selanjutnya solusi kami dirancang untuk menyesuaikan bisnis Anda daripada bisnis Anda mengadaptasi perangkat lunak. Solusi kami 100% bermanfaat dan memberdayakan Anda untuk mengendalikan bisnis Anda secara online dan secara real time