ikon Pilot Watch 3000

Pilot Watch 3000

1.1.0 for Android
4.3 | 5,000+ Instal | ULASAN

Darren Embry

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Pilot Watch

I wants to share an app for all of you. 20,000+ users downloaded Pilot Watch latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2019-12-14. 9Apps has thousands of apps and updated daily!
**All dials are functional. Instructions are below.**
Pilot Watch 3000 is an analog watchface with a chronograph (stopwatch) function. It's like most slide-rule chronograph watches, but without the slide rule.
- That "prevent your device from sleeping" thing is literally only so that the app stays on for 15 seconds instead of 5 seconds or whatever your default is. That's all. Source code link below.
# Functions:
- Time with sweep second hand
- Day of week
- Day of month
- Battery percentage
- Chronograph (stopwatch)
# How to use the stopwatch:
- Tap the top sub-dial (fractions of a second) to start and stop the stopwatch.
- Tap the left side sub-dial (minutes and hours) to reset the stopwatch if it's stopped.
- The bottom sub-dial is chronograph seconds.
# Other functions:
- Tap the date on the right-hand side to zoom in to the date. Tap the screen to zoom back out.
# Notes:
I can't guarantee the accuracy of the stopwatch function but hey, it's heckin fun. Some inspiration came from Seiko's Flightmaster SND255 blue dial chronograph watch.
This watchface will only work on Android Wear and Wear OS devices. It will not work on Samsung Gear devices running Tizen. It *should* work on the Samsung Gear Live, which *does* run Android Wear.
I'm not a huge software shop, I'm just some dork with a laptop that writes code.
SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/dse/wear-os-watchface-pilot-watch
** Semua panggilan berfungsi. Instruksi di bawah ini. **
Pilot Watch 3000 adalah watchface analog dengan fungsi chronograph (stopwatch). Ini seperti kebanyakan jam tangan kronograf slide-aturan, tetapi tanpa aturan slide.
- Bahwa "mencegah perangkat Anda dari tidur" secara harfiah hanya agar aplikasi tetap menyala selama 15 detik, bukan 5 detik atau apa pun default Anda. Itu saja. Tautan kode sumber di bawah ini.
# Fungsi:
- Waktu dengan sapuan tangan kedua
- Hari dalam seminggu
- Hari dalam sebulan
- Persentase baterai
- Kronograf (stopwatch)
# Cara menggunakan stopwatch:
- Ketuk sub-dial teratas (sepersekian detik) untuk memulai dan menghentikan stopwatch.
- Ketuk sub-dial sisi kiri (menit dan jam) untuk mengatur ulang stopwatch jika berhenti.
- Sub-dial bawah adalah detik kronograf.
# Fungsi lainnya:
- Ketuk tanggal di sisi kanan untuk memperbesar ke tanggal. Ketuk layar untuk memperkecil kembali.
# Catatan:
Saya tidak bisa menjamin keakuratan fungsi stopwatch, tapi hei, ini menyenangkan. Beberapa inspirasi datang dari arloji chronograph panggilan biru Seiko's Flightmaster SND255.
Arloji ini hanya akan berfungsi pada perangkat Android Wear and Wear OS. Ini tidak akan berfungsi pada perangkat Samsung Gear yang menjalankan Tizen. Ini * harus * berfungsi pada Samsung Gear Live, yang * tidak * menjalankan Android Wear.
Saya bukan toko perangkat lunak besar, saya hanya orang bodoh dengan laptop yang menulis kode.
KODE SUMBER: https://github.com/dse/wear-os-watchface-pilot-watch


Memperbarui Pilot Watch 1.1.0

- You can install Pilot Watch on Android Wear 1.x devices by installing the phone app now.
- There are a few cosmetic tweaks. Among them, Pilot Watch displays its name now.
- 10-second ambient refresh.


  • Kategori:
    Gaya Hidup
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Darren Embry
  • ID:
  • Available on:
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    2020-11-21 19:04