ikon Picturize


1.2.3 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Picturize

Are you finding some interesting apps? 30,000+ users downloaded Picturize latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app was totally funny. This hot app was released on 2020-03-03. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
Keep the world in view with Picturize
Wherever you are, let the people know what's going on.
A beautiful sunset, a special event in your town, the construction of a new building or only an ordinary traffic jam in the morning - it doesn't matter: Let the people know how your place looks like at the current moment. Take a photo with the in-app camera, choose a category and share it with the world. But be prepared: You only have 60 seconds to upload your photo! The location, date and time of the shot will be assigned to it automatically.
Keep the world in view and follow its history
Check out the latest photos and keep your eyes on the world. Thanks to the special features of in-app camera, you can be sure that only photos that have just been taken are shared. With the powerful search function you can also search for photos by time, date, location and category.
Pertahankan dunia agar terlihat dengan Picturize
Dimanapun Anda berada, beri tahu orang-orang apa yang sedang terjadi.
Matahari terbenam yang indah, acara khusus di kota Anda, pembangunan gedung baru atau hanya kemacetan biasa di pagi hari - tidak masalah: Biarkan orang-orang tahu seperti apa tempat Anda saat ini. Ambil foto dengan kamera dalam aplikasi, pilih kategori dan bagikan dengan dunia. Tetapi bersiaplah: Anda hanya memiliki 60 detik untuk mengunggah foto Anda! Lokasi, tanggal dan waktu pengambilan akan ditetapkan secara otomatis.
Pertahankan dunia dalam pandangan dan ikuti sejarahnya
Lihatlah foto-foto terbaru dan awasi dunia. Berkat fitur khusus kamera dalam aplikasi, Anda dapat yakin bahwa hanya foto yang baru saja diambil yang dibagikan. Dengan fungsi pencarian yang kuat Anda juga dapat mencari foto berdasarkan waktu, tanggal, lokasi, dan kategori.

Memperbarui Picturize 1.2.3

- Share your photos with the world
- Keep track of the world
- Follow the world's history


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    Android 4.1 or later
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