ikon Physics Formula in Hindi advance

Physics Formula in Hindi advance

1.0 for Android
4.4 | 10,000+ Instal

Hasnain Kazmi

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9Apps is your first choice to download apps. 20,000+ users downloaded BhotikiFormula latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app has also been given a bit of a visual makeover, too This hot app was released on 2018-10-16. You can enjoy the most completed function of this app.
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Language : Hindi
First time Physics formula and equations is provided in Hindi language.
In this App we tried to consolidate all Physics Formulas and equation required for Intermediate Student .
It covers all the aspects of Mechanics , Thermal Physics, Electrostatics and current electricity , magnetism ,Ray Optics, Wave optics and Modern Physics.
This App is Extremely Useful for the students studying in Class 11 and 12 also for those who preparing for the competitive exam like JEE main , JEE Advance , BITSAT , UPTU , VITEEE ,NEET PMT ,CBSE PMT , AIIMS , AFMC ,CPMT and all other Engineering and Medical Entrance Exam.
This app is also Very useful for the teachers teching IIT physics or 11th 12th physics.
Please email us at "hasnainkazmi2018@gmail.com" to add any new formulas or suggestions or topics.
Silakan menilai & berbagi aplikasi ini karena gratis :-)
Bahasa: Hindi
Pertama kali rumus dan persamaan Fisika disediakan dalam bahasa Hindi.
Dalam Aplikasi ini kami mencoba untuk mengkonsolidasikan semua Rumus Fisika dan persamaan yang diperlukan untuk Siswa Menengah.
Ini mencakup semua aspek Mekanika, Fisika Termal, Elektrostatik dan arus listrik, magnet, Ray Optik, optik Gelombang dan Fisika Modern.
Aplikasi Ini Sangat Berguna untuk siswa yang belajar di Kelas 11 dan 12 juga bagi mereka yang mempersiapkan ujian kompetitif seperti JEE utama, JEE Advance, BITSAT, UPTU, VITEEE, NEET PMT, CBSE PMT, AIIMS, AFMC, CPMT dan semua lainnya Ujian Masuk ke Teknik dan Kedokteran.
Aplikasi ini juga Sangat berguna bagi para guru yang sedang mengerjakan fisika IIT atau fisika ke-12 ke-12.
Silakan kirim email kepada kami di "hasnainkazmi2018@gmail.com" untuk menambahkan formula, saran, atau topik baru.

Memperbarui BhotikiFormula 1.0

This App contain Physics Formula in Hindi Advance Level


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Hasnain Kazmi
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