ikon Photo Lab Art Effect

Photo Lab Art Effect

1.1 for Android
4.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Levis Technology

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It can be said with certainty that 20,000+ users downloaded Photo Lab Effect latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Fortunately, It's easy to get this popular app. This hot app was released on 2018-05-01. Besides, you can also select other popular apps you like here!
Waiting for Awesome Photo Effect & Editor app in the world?
Then your wait is over. We are launching best photo effect app for you. So now you can edit and make your best picture and share on social media.
Photo Lab Art Effect is a powerful photo editor with many amazing effects and filters! Pic Photo Art has everything you need to make every picture awesome. It makes your photos beautiful with easy and powerful editing tools. Photo Lab Art is an effective photo editor with some stunning photo effects and various photo editing options.
Edit your photo instantly with this Awesome powerful Photo Editor app, which is one of the best photo editing tool in android. Get the best photography art in your photos with large number of amazing photo effects.
Just select one picture or take it from camera and get large varieties of photo effects to beautify your picture. And also manage effects using Increase & Decrease progress bar.
You can make your selfie best using this Effects. We have added more then 300+ effects like Morphing, Prosthetic, Lilac, Dusk, Caruncula, Lunula, Picabia, Utagawa, Miniature, Warmtone, Fantasia, Delaunay, Yira, Heisenberg, Scream, Kanagawa, Matisse, Rotoscoping, Optical, Strike, Temporal, Grunge, Leaks, Gaze, Fantasy, Dali, Gothic, Zodiac, G & B, Shadow, Antoinette, Maya, Dysania, Ghost, Lomoart, R & B, Emboss, R & G, Drops, Travelling, Tokyo, Comic, Vintage, Saturation, Sharpen, ThePast, Oil-Paint, Swap, Snow, Polaroid, Oval, Light, Sharp, Bewitching, FishEye, Rusty, Extract, Pastel, Manga, Essence, Paisley, Picasso, Monet, Pink Mind, Disco, Surf, Hunter, Mononoke, Mosaic, Curly Hair, Autumn, Twin, Contrast, Pencil Editor, Delaunay, Yira, Heisenberg, DSLR effects, Blackout, Engrave, Smart Blur, Desaturate Editor, Border, Schufftan, Matte, Latte, Sleeping, Elegant, Desert Editor, Draft, Displace Editor, Tokyo, Udnie, Light Summer, Candy, Roy, Reflection, Cubism, Shoshanna, Realistic, Mondrian, Ocean, Kahlo, Wire, Tricked, ProcAmp, Illegal Beauty, Harley, Practical, Leprechaun and so on..
Apply different photo effects like Morphing, Prosthetic, Lilac, Dusk, Caruncula, Lunula, Picabia, Utagawa, Miniature, Warmtone, Fantasia, Comic effects, Vintage effects, Lilac effects to give your pic an appealing look like never before using this photo editor app. So You can create good colour effect photos with this photo editor app which will let you create beautiful photos.
So Make your picture look creative in seconds "One Tap" without using a professional editor & Effects and set it as a contact icon, a wallpaper, send a signed virtual postcard to a friend or share it to any social network.
Awesome Features:
→500+ Beautiful photo effect & art
→One-tap auto enhance
→HDR, photo effects & layer editing
→Drawing paint tools
→Focus your picture with Curly Hair, Illegal Beauty, Mononoke, Realistic effects
→Make your own meme
→Manage effect using Increase & Decrease progress bar
→Use photos from your gallery and camera
→View, edit, or delete your edited Image. Also re-edit that image
→Save your final result to your gallery and on your SD card
→Sharing with your friends, family and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and more social apps
→Save images in Ultra HD 4K resolution (device dependent)
We would love to hear your suggestions, feedback & comments. So send your feedback on levistechnology007@gmail.com
Menunggu mengagumkan Photo Effect & Editor aplikasi di dunia?
Kemudian menunggu Anda berakhir. Kami meluncurkan aplikasi efek foto terbaik untuk Anda. Jadi sekarang Anda dapat mengedit dan membuat gambar terbaik Anda dan berbagi di media sosial.
Foto Lab Art Effect adalah editor foto yang kuat dengan banyak efek yang menakjubkan dan filter! Pic Photo Art memiliki segala yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat setiap gambar yang mengagumkan. Itu membuat foto Anda yang indah dengan alat editing yang mudah dan kuat. Foto Lab Art adalah editor foto yang efektif dengan beberapa efek foto yang menakjubkan dan berbagai pilihan pengeditan foto.
Mengedit foto Anda langsung dengan kuat aplikasi Photo Editor ini mengagumkan, yang merupakan salah satu alat editing foto terbaik di android. Dapatkan seni fotografi yang terbaik dalam foto Anda dengan sejumlah besar efek foto menakjubkan.
Cukup pilih satu gambar atau mengambilnya dari kamera dan mendapatkan varietas besar efek foto untuk mempercantik gambar Anda. Dan juga mengelola efek menggunakan Kenaikan & Penurunan progress bar.
Anda dapat membuat selfie terbaik menggunakan Effects ini. Kami telah menambahkan lebih dari 300 + efek seperti Morphing, Prosthetic, Lilac, Senja, Caruncula, Lunula, Picabia, Utagawa, Miniatur, Warmtone, Fantasia, Delaunay, Yira, Heisenberg, Scream, Kanagawa, Matisse, Rotoscoping, Optical, Strike, Temporal , Grunge, Kebocoran, Gaze, Fantasy, Dali, Gothic, Zodiac, G & B, Shadow, Antoinette, Maya, Dysania, Ghost, Lomoart, R & B, Emboss, R & G, Drops, Travel, Tokyo, Comic, Vintage , Saturasi, Pertajam, ThePast, Minyak-Paint, Swap, Salju, Polaroid, Oval, Light, Sharp, Bewitching, FishEye, Rusty, Ekstrak, Pastel, Manga, Essence, Paisley, Picasso, Monet, pink Pikiran, Disco, Surf, Hunter, Mononoke, Mosaic, Keriting rambut, Autumn, Twin, Kontras, Pensil Editor, Delaunay, Yira, Heisenberg, efek DSLR, Blackout, Engrave, Smart Blur, Desaturate Editor, Border, Schufftan, Matte, Latte, Sleeping, Elegant, Desert Editor, Draft, Displace Editor, Tokyo, Udnie, Light musim panas, permen, Roy, Refleksi, Kubisme, Shoshanna, Realistis, Mondrian, Ocean, Kahlo, Kawat, ditipu, ProcAmp, Ill egal Kecantikan, Harley, Praktis, Leprechaun dan sebagainya ..
Menerapkan efek foto yang berbeda seperti Morphing, Prosthetic, Lilac, Senja, Caruncula, Lunula, Picabia, Utagawa, Miniatur, Warmtone, Fantasia, efek Comic, efek Vintage, efek Lilac untuk memberikan Anda pic tampilan menarik seperti sebelumnya menggunakan ini editor foto aplikasi . Jadi Anda dapat membuat baik foto efek warna dengan ini editor foto aplikasi yang akan membiarkan Anda membuat foto yang indah.
Jadi Membuat gambar Anda terlihat kreatif dalam detik "Satu Tap" tanpa menggunakan editor profesional & Efek dan mengaturnya sebagai ikon kontak, wallpaper, mengirim kartu pos virtual yang ditandatangani ke teman atau berbagi ke jaringan sosial.
Fitur mengagumkan:
→ 500 + Indah efek foto & seni
→ Satu-tap auto meningkatkan
→ HDR, efek foto & editing lapisan
→ alat cat Menggambar
→ Fokus gambar Anda dengan Keriting Rambut, Kecantikan Ilegal, Mononoke, efek Realistis
→ Membuat meme Anda sendiri
→ Mengelola efek menggunakan Kenaikan & Penurunan progress bar
→ Gunakan foto dari galeri Anda dan kamera
→ View, mengedit, atau menghapus gambar Anda diedit. Juga kembali mengedit gambar yang
→ Simpan hasil akhir Anda ke galeri Anda dan pada kartu SD Anda
→ Berbagi dengan teman, keluarga dan pengikut di Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram dan aplikasi lebih sosial
→ Simpan gambar dalam Ultra HD 4K resolusi (tergantung perangkat)
Kami akan sangat senang mendengar saran Anda, umpan balik & komentar. Jadi mengirim umpan balik Anda pada levistechnology007@gmail.com

Memperbarui Photo Lab Effect 1.1

- Added Save as GIF Effect
- Added Rotate and Flip functionality in Crop


  • Kategori:
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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Levis Technology
  • ID: