1.0.2 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Chris lee

Penjabaran dari 9apps PREQUEL: Effects Filters Cam

Millions of free Android apps are provide on 9apps. 20,000+ users downloaded PREQUEL: Effects Filters Cam latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is the app that defined the best for a generation. This hot app was released on 2019-08-18. That’s it! You’re done?
PREQUEL - Camera Filter Shows beautiful and true self
Life is like coffee, no sugar is too real bitter, too polysaccharide is too sweet and false, masking the smell of coffee. After the coffee is cooked, drink a bit of bitter taste, then add half a piece of sugar, a cup of coffee You can finish it before you get cold.
PREQUEL camera is like a half-sugar coffee, covering half of the bitterness, showing the sweet and real side, not false and excessively gorgeous, just like the simple makeup every time you go to the bathroom after watching the movie, like a friend gathering with girlfriends. It’s so beautiful to the rush of makeup in the bathroom.
Although life deceives us, we have to show the good and the truth to life, and taste the sweetness and bitterness of every minute of life.
PREQUEL camera gives you the same lifestyle as a half sugar coffee:
- Filters make colors more dreamy and romantic.
- Modify your cute side by adding stickers and emoticons.
- Capture your beautiful moments by taking pictures.
PREQUEL Share photos and videos to a circle of friends, show your friends what is beautiful and true.
PREQUEL - Filter Kamera Menunjukkan diri yang indah dan sejati
Hidup itu seperti kopi, tidak ada gula yang terlalu pahit, terlalu polisakarida terlalu manis dan salah, menutupi bau kopi. Setelah kopi dimasak, minumlah sedikit rasa pahit, lalu tambahkan setengah gula, secangkir kopi. Anda bisa menghabiskannya sebelum dingin.
Kamera PREQUEL seperti kopi setengah gula, menutupi setengah dari kepahitan, menunjukkan sisi manis dan nyata, tidak salah dan sangat cantik, seperti makeup sederhana setiap kali Anda pergi ke kamar mandi setelah menonton film, seperti teman berkumpul dengan pacar Sangat indah untuk riasan riasan di kamar mandi.
Meskipun hidup menipu kita, kita harus menunjukkan yang baik dan yang benar dalam hidup, dan merasakan manis dan pahitnya setiap menit kehidupan.
PREQUEL camera memberi Anda gaya hidup yang sama dengan kopi setengah gula:
- Filter membuat warna lebih melamun dan romantis.
- Ubah sisi imut Anda dengan menambahkan stiker dan emotikon.
- Abadikan momen indah Anda dengan mengambil gambar.
PREQUEL Bagikan foto dan video ke lingkaran teman, tunjukkan kepada teman Anda apa yang indah dan benar.


Memperbarui PREQUEL: Effects Filters Cam 1.0.2



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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Chris lee
  • ID: