PIP Photo Effect
app is easiest way to create blur or color splash photo in one touch.
Enhance your photo to make it more creative and attractive.
♥ ♥ Color Splash ♥ ♥
Color Splash allows you to selectively focus with color on photo and turned other part in Black & White.
We design shapes, bubbles, etc. to move ,scale, zoom over photo to give beautiful color splash effect.
You can choose black and white filter inside or outside of shape, other part will automatically turn into colored one.
♥ ♥ Blur Effect♥ ♥
Make your photo more beautiful with Blur Effect. This app allows you to focus main part of your photo using frame and blur the other portion. You can easily move, scale, rotate and zoom a shape over your photo to make it more comfortable.
>> 50 shape,
Enjoy our collection.
>> 20 most beautiful and stunning filters with overlays.
>> Adjustment tools to give tone to your photo like brightness, contrast, tint, highlight, shadow, etc.
>> Add colorful text with adjusting text size, shadow distance, opacity and Selecting text color, style, shadow color and more. Write your mood by adding captions and titles to your photo.
>> You can add stickers from our 150 cute stickers to show your emotions.
How to use ?
>> Click on blur or color splash button.
>> Select any shape whatever you like to create a photo with.
>> Select photo from your gallery.
>> Crop the photo in square size so that you will edit more efficiently.
>> If you like to change shape from that category then change it from scroll frames.
>> Add sticker from our collection and adjust smoothly on your photo. You can anytime remove it by clicking close button on border frame of sticker.
>> Apply different filters on your photo.
>> Add any text by using text tools.
>> Click done button to save your creativity.
>> Save the photo to SD card easily.
>> Share on social network to wow your friends.
PIP Blur, PIP Camera, PIP Color Splash, blur Effect, Color Splash Effect, Blur On Touch, Color Splash On Touch
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