Download the official version of India apps from 9apps now. 20,000+ users downloaded Owlet latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2018-07-05. You can also find some other similar apps here.
The Owlet Baby Monitor is a world-changing "smart sock" that measures a baby's heart rate and breathing, then sends that information to your smartphone. If irregularities occur, you are notified. The Owlet App requires the purchase of the Owlet Smart Sock in order to function completely.
To order an Owlet, please visit
Owlet, a little help for the hardest job in the world.
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The Owlet Baby Monitor adalah "kaus kaki pintar" yang mengubah dunia yang mengukur detak jantung bayi dan bernapas, kemudian mengirimkan informasi tersebut untuk smartphone Anda. Jika terjadi penyimpangan, Anda akan diberitahu. The Owlet App membutuhkan pembelian Owlet Cerdas Sock agar dapat berfungsi sepenuhnya.
Untuk memesan Owlet, silakan kunjungi
Anak burung hantu, sedikit bantuan untuk pekerjaan paling sulit di dunia.
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Thanks for using Owlet Care! To provide you with the best experience, we provide app updates regularly. In addition to general bug fixes and performance improvements, this update includes:
• Updated sock sizing guidance
As new features become available, we'll highlight them within the app.