ikon Oppo F7 Camera Selfie

Oppo F7 Camera Selfie

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

YeYe Group

Penjabaran dari 9apps Selfie Camera

There are hundreds of new apps released every week, 20,000+ users downloaded Selfie Camera latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app is superior that can be used with any of the mobile type. This hot app was released on 2018-07-28. You’ll want to use it on your own phones after you know more.
#this app not a product by OPPO company.
Oppo F7 Camera Selfie - Oppo F7 Camera
phone was well-known for being the best smartphone brand that focuses on bringing the best camera to users. And with their new ColorOS camera app, now you can have everything you expected and in a built-in camera app, all-in-one camera app that you ever wanted is Camera OPPO F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie
Most smartphones nowadays are capable of taking some pretty impressive shots, but if compared to the camera app that was introduced by Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie of Oppo company, you can immediately see an increase in clarity and low light performance.
Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie is very lightweight and easy to use. We offer more than 100 frame pips and 100 photo collages from Oppo F7 selfie. Our Camera Oppo F7- Oppo F7 Camera Selfie app allows you to add filters to the background or the foreground
Photo background are automatically blurred and blurred background of a photo of a square will make you share entire photo on Facebook or Instagram easily. Decorate your selfie with funny emoji, cool stickers and text. 50 photo filters are including in Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera and still updating
Many Feature of the Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie app
- Camera of F7 , video recorder & panorama features
- White balance settings(Incandescent, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight,Cloudy)
- Screen mode settings(Action, Night, Sunset, Play)
- Dynamic user interface (phone/tablet)
- Pinch to zoom
- Smart panorama shooting
- Wide screen pictures
- Picture quality setting
- Exposure
- Location targeting
- Configurable volume keys
- Countdown Timer
Device support ; Oppo f1 , Oppo f3 , Oppo f5 , Oppo f7 , Oppo f9
Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie app is a wonderful camera for selfie. It is professional but easy-to-use. Functions of capturing natural selfie, editing selfie and adding filters are merged into Camera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Camera Selfie app. Just a few steps, your natural beauty will show up in seconds. Oppo camera selfie, your best choice.
#this aplikasi bukan produk oleh perusahaan OPPO.
Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie - Oppo F7 Kamera telepon itu terkenal karena menjadi merek smartphone terbaik yang berfokus pada membawa kamera terbaik untuk pengguna. Dan dengan baru aplikasi ColorOS kamera mereka, sekarang Anda dapat memiliki semua yang Anda harapkan dan built-in aplikasi kamera, semua-dalam-satu kamera aplikasi yang Anda pernah ingin adalah Kamera OPPO F7 - Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie
Kebanyakan smartphone saat ini mampu mengambil beberapa gambar yang cukup mengesankan, tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan aplikasi kamera yang diperkenalkan oleh Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie perusahaan Oppo, Anda dapat langsung melihat peningkatan kejelasan dan kinerja cahaya rendah.
Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 kamera Selfie sangat ringan dan mudah digunakan. Kami menawarkan lebih dari 100 pips frame dan 100 kolase foto dari Oppo F7 selfie. Kamera Oppo F7- Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie aplikasi kami memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan filter untuk latar belakang atau latar depan
background foto secara otomatis kabur dan latar belakang kabur dari foto persegi akan membuat Anda berbagi seluruh foto di Facebook atau Instagram dengan mudah. Hiasi selfie Anda dengan emoji lucu, stiker keren dan teks. 50 filter foto yang termasuk di Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Kamera dan masih memperbarui
Banyak Fitur Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie aplikasi
- Kamera dari F7, perekam video & panorama fitur
- pengaturan white balance (pijar, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight, Cloudy)
- Pengaturan modus layar (Aksi, Malam, Sunset, Play)
- Dinamis antarmuka pengguna (ponsel / tablet)
- Cubit untuk memperbesar
- Cerdas panorama penembakan
- gambar layar lebar
- pengaturan kualitas Gambar
- Paparan
- penargetan Lokasi
- tombol volume Dikonfigurasi
- Countdown Timer
dukungan perangkat; Oposisi f1, oposisi f3, oposisi f5, oposisi f7, Oppo f9
Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 kamera Selfie app adalah kamera yang indah untuk selfie. Hal ini profesional tapi mudah digunakan. Fungsi menangkap selfie alami, mengedit selfie dan menambahkan filter digabung menjadi Kamera Oppo F7 - Oppo F7 Kamera Selfie aplikasi. Hanya beberapa langkah, kecantikan alami Anda akan muncul di detik. Oposisi selfie kamera, pilihan terbaik Anda.


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    YeYe Group
  • ID: