ikon OneCloud Mobile

OneCloud Mobile

2.1.2 (4) for Android
4.0 | 5,000+ Instal

TelWare Corporation

Penjabaran dari 9apps OneCloud

It can be said with certainty that 20,000+ users downloaded OneCloud latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app is superior that can be used with any of the mobile type. This hot app was released on 2020-02-26. More similar hot applications can be found here too.
OneCloud Mobile brings the power of a cloud softphone beyond the simple landline or desktop phone. OneCloud Mobile unlocks user productivity and transforms the future of business communication. The platform extends traditional VOIP to the way users communicate today between multiple devices with a real-time, asynchronous Unified Communications Solution. OneCloud’s complete technology stack maintains the user’s identity without interruption regardless of device. Automate communication with manageable contacts, voicemails, call history, answering rules, through a single, intuitive solution.
Features Include:
Nationwide Calling
Business SMS/MMS
See Presence of Colleagues
Visual Voicemail & Voicemail to Email
Voicemail Transcription
Call Queuing
Team Collaboration
Team Instant Messaging
Multi-level Auto Attendant
Automatic Call Recording
Three-way Calling
Music/Message on Hold
Customizable Answering Rules
IMPORTANT: OneCloud Mobile requires a OneCloud Unified Communications subscription. Features will vary by product and plan.
1. Outgoing calls to emergency numbers will be forced to use an Android device's cellular voice interface to provide enhanced 911 location data. Android devices that do not have cellular voice interfaces (such as tablets) or that are out of range of a cellular network will not be able to place emergency calls. This behavior will be configurable via UI in a future update.
2. Call quality may be affected by Wi-Fi or Cellular Data.
3. International and roaming data charges from your mobile carrier may apply when using OneCloud Mobile outside of your country.
4. You are responsible for ensuring that all call recordings comply with federal and state law.
5. View our terms of service at https://www.telware.com/terms-of-service.
OneCloud Mobile menghadirkan kekuatan softphone cloud di luar telepon rumah atau desktop sederhana. OneCloud Mobile membuka kunci produktivitas pengguna dan mengubah masa depan komunikasi bisnis. Platform ini memperluas VOIP tradisional ke cara pengguna berkomunikasi hari ini antara beberapa perangkat dengan Solusi Komunikasi Terpadu asinkron waktu-nyata. Tumpukan teknologi lengkap OneCloud mempertahankan identitas pengguna tanpa gangguan tanpa memandang perangkat. Otomatiskan komunikasi dengan kontak yang dapat diatur, pesan suara, riwayat panggilan, aturan jawab, melalui solusi intuitif tunggal.
Fitur Termasuk:
Panggilan Nasional
SMS / MMS bisnis
Lihat Kehadiran Kolega
Voicemail Visual & Voicemail ke Email
Transkripsi Voicemail
Panggil Antrian
Kolaborasi Tim
Pesan Instan Tim
Multi-level Auto Attendant
Rekaman Panggilan Otomatis
Panggilan Tiga Arah
Musik / Pesan Ditunda
Aturan Menjawab yang Dapat Disesuaikan
PENTING: OneCloud Mobile memerlukan langganan OneCloud Unified Communications. Fitur akan bervariasi berdasarkan produk dan paket.
1. Panggilan keluar ke nomor darurat akan dipaksa untuk menggunakan antarmuka suara seluler perangkat Android untuk memberikan data lokasi 911 yang ditingkatkan. Perangkat Android yang tidak memiliki antarmuka suara seluler (seperti tablet) atau yang berada di luar jangkauan jaringan seluler tidak akan dapat melakukan panggilan darurat. Perilaku ini akan dapat dikonfigurasi melalui UI dalam pembaruan di masa mendatang.
2. Kualitas panggilan dapat dipengaruhi oleh Wi-Fi atau Data Seluler.
3. Biaya data internasional dan roaming dari operator seluler Anda mungkin berlaku saat menggunakan OneCloud Mobile di luar negara Anda.
4. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa semua rekaman panggilan memenuhi hukum federal dan negara bagian.
5. Lihat ketentuan layanan kami di https://www.telware.com/terms-of-service.

Memperbarui OneCloud 2.1.2 (4)

New SIP SDK Layer for improved SIP registration and call quality
Improved push support for incoming calls and messages
Assorted bug fixes


  • Kategori:
  • Versi Terbaru:
    2.1.2 (4)
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 5.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    TelWare Corporation
  • ID:
  • Available on: