Here provides top Free Android Apps. 20,000+ users downloaded OPERATING SYSTEM NOTES latest version on 9Apps for free every week! A lot of functions and features are contained in this app. This hot app was released on 2018-06-27. 9Apps allows you to download more apps and updated daily!
The operating system (OS) is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs and applications.
This Application will teach you about Operating System in detail with it's Concept and you can easily understand these concept.
The contents of this app that you will learn are followings:
1. Operating System INTRODUCTION
2. Operating System EVOLUTION
3. Operating System TYPES
5. Operating System PROCESS SCHEDULING
6. Operating System CPU SCHEDULING
7. Operating System THREADS
8. Operating System
11. Operating System DEADLOCK
12. Operating System MEMORY MANAGEMENT
13. Operating System VIRTUAL MEMORY
14. Operating System FILE SYSTEM
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Sistem operasi (OS) adalah program yang paling penting yang berjalan pada komputer. Setiap komputer tujuan umum harus memiliki sistem operasi untuk menjalankan program lain dan aplikasi.
Aplikasi ini akan mengajarkan Anda tentang Sistem Operasi secara rinci dengan itu Konsep dan Anda dapat dengan mudah memahami konsep ini.
Isi aplikasi ini Anda akan belajar adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Sistem Operasi PENDAHULUAN
2. Sistem Operasi EVOLUSI
3. JENIS Sistem Operasi
4. Operasi PROSES Sistem DAN MULTI Threading
6. Sistem Operasi CPU PENJADWALAN
7. THREADS Sistem Operasi
8. Sistem Operasi
11. Sistem Operasi DEADLOCK
MANAJEMEN MEMORY 12. Sistem Operasi
13. Sistem Operasi MEMORY VIRTUAL
14. Operasi SISTEM Sistem FILE
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* New Release.