It’s time to update your mobile application. 20,000+ users downloaded Nutriverse Doctors latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And it was enormous fun This hot app was released on 2018-11-29. More similar hot applications can be found here too.
Nutriverse - doctors app is built for dieticians and nutritionists to better manage their patients weight. In the doctors app by Nutriverse, you can do the following:
1. Manage your patient records
2. Create custom diet plans
3. Communicate with your patients through video consultation or real time chat platform
4. Keep a regular track of your patients weight and diet plan adherence
Nutriverse - app dokter dibangun untuk ahli gizi dan ahli gizi untuk lebih baik mengelola berat badan pasien mereka. Di aplikasi dokter oleh Nutriverse, Anda dapat melakukan hal berikut:
1. Kelola catatan pasien Anda
2. Buat rencana diet khusus
3. Berkomunikasi dengan pasien Anda melalui konsultasi video atau platform obrolan waktu nyata
4. Buat jadwal rutin kepatuhan pasien dan kepatuhan diet Anda
Bug Fixes
Clinic address field option changes
Appointment booking flow changes