9Apps provide lots of India android apps. 20,000+ users downloaded Nova latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app was totally funny. This hot app was released on 2018-11-29. It get a lot of recognition after release.
Nova is an A.I. chat bot that uses conversation to help direct students in need to the mental health resources available at their institution. Unlike a general internet search, Nova would actually speak with you to see what you need and what resources can most quickly and most effectively help you based on the conversation itself and resource availability.
Nova adalah A.I. chat bot yang menggunakan percakapan untuk membantu mengarahkan siswa yang membutuhkan sumber daya kesehatan mental yang tersedia di institusi mereka. Tidak seperti pencarian internet umum, Nova akan benar-benar berbicara dengan Anda untuk melihat apa yang Anda butuhkan dan sumber daya apa yang paling cepat dan efektif membantu Anda berdasarkan pada percakapan itu sendiri dan ketersediaan sumber daya.
First release ! Features:
- Nova the A.I chat bot can have a conversation with you to help determine what mental health resources may be most
helpful for you.
- Resources listing for the University of Waterloo