Believe it or not! 20,000+ users downloaded Notify Caller latest version on 9Apps for free every week! More apps are free download here! This hot app was released on 2019-01-23. It is one of the popular Android apps in 2015.
An app which automatically sends SMS (provider charges applicable) to the caller when you are not able to pick his/her call.
You can customise the message that will be sent.
You can turn it off as well as select the contacts to which the SMS should be send upon missed call.
Remember :
1. SMS cost is applicable as per you provider tariff.
2. Turn on location service to notify caller about your location.
Aplikasi yang secara otomatis mengirim SMS (dikenakan biaya penyedia) ke penelepon ketika Anda tidak dapat memilih panggilannya.
Anda dapat menyesuaikan pesan yang akan dikirim.
Anda dapat mematikannya serta memilih kontak yang harus dikirimi SMS saat panggilan tidak terjawab.
1. Biaya SMS berlaku sesuai tarif penyedia Anda.
2. Aktifkan layanan lokasi untuk memberi tahu penelepon tentang lokasi Anda.