9Apps is your first choice to download apps. 20,000+ users downloaded Nitara latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This makes the app feel more like a popular merchandise, which is very positive in my opinion. This hot app was released on 2019-12-13. Why not download and play it now?
Nitara app collects data from dairy farmers about their cattle and helps the farmer track the cattle genetics, milk yields, fodder consumed and feed costs.
It also helps the farmer receive services from other parties like (Artificial Inseminators, Vets and Para vets) at his doorstep.
This will help the farmer make better decisions about feeding, cost of fodder and cattle health outcomes as well as raise the productivity of the farmer and cattle and raise the farmers' income.
Aplikasi Nitara mengumpulkan data dari peternak sapi perah tentang ternak mereka dan membantu peternak melacak genetika sapi, hasil susu, pakan ternak yang dikonsumsi, dan biaya pakan.
Ini juga membantu petani menerima layanan dari pihak lain seperti (Inseminator Buatan, Dokter Hewan dan Paravet) di depan pintu rumahnya.
Ini akan membantu petani membuat keputusan yang lebih baik tentang makanan, biaya pakan dan hasil kesehatan ternak serta meningkatkan produktivitas petani dan ternak dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani.
Nitara version 1.0