1.0.1 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

Rafaandro studio


With the development of technology, more and more apps appeared in the mobile market. 20,000+ users downloaded NURSERY RHYMES AND KIDS SONGS latest version on 9Apps for free every week! When you click, the app will start downloading and wait till it completes installation you can start play. This hot app was released on 2018-09-12. Here are some guides of this app:
let's enjoy popular children's songs with many unique views, you can listen to various children's songs including:
Follow Me
10 Little Fishies
This Is The Way
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
Five Little Monsters Jumping On The Bed
I Can't Remember The Words To This Song
Peanut Butter & Jelly
The Alphabet Is So Much Fun
What Do You Like To Do?
Baby Shark
Humpty Dumpty
Jack & Jill
Little Snowflake
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song)
If You're Happy
One Little Finger
Seven Steps
Walking Walking
The Alphabet Chant
Hide And Seek
Days Of The Week Song
The Ants Go Marching
Super Simple Songs
Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Five Little Ducks
Five Little Speckled Frogs
The Ice Cream Song
I Like You
The Alphabet Song
10 Little Airplanes
Bye Bye Goodbye
The Bath Song
What Do You Hear?
I See Something Blue
I See Something Pink
Make A Circle
Kids Dance Song
Hello Hello! Can You Clap Your Hands?
Let's Go To The Zoo
Who Took The Cookie?
Mystery Box
The Bath Song
What Do You Hear?
Say Cheese! (Let's Take A Picture)
We All Fall Down
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)
Eeney Meeney Miney Moe
After A While, Crocodile
The Eensy Weensy Spider
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Teddy Bear
Wag Your Tail
Mystery Box #3
The Shape Song #1
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?
Do You Like Pickle Pudding?
Do You Like Lasagna Milkshakes?
How Many Fingers?
Five Little Monkeys
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Teddy Bear
Wag Your Tail
Yes, I Can!
One Potato, Two Potatoes
The Bananas Song | Counting Bananas
How's The Weather?
Rock Scissors Paper #3
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster
Hickory Dickory Dock
Open Shut Them
Mary Had A Little Lamb
I Have A Pet
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
Ten In The Bed
The Animals On The Farm
Row Row Row Your Boat
Count And Move
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Seven Steps
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It)
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Sing It)
The Alphabet Chant
Skidamarink (Puppet Version)
Super Simple ABCs Phonics Song:
The Months Chant
The Eensey Weensey Spider
Rain, Rain, Go Away
(Kira Kira Boshi) - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Japanese
Days of the Week
Count & Move
The Alphabet Song (Let's Sing!)
and still so many songs, that include nursery rhymes, kids songs, baby songs, rhymes
kids music and populer children songs.
1. all of content in this application is not our trademark.
2. we only get the content from playlist youtube & nothing in our server.
mari kita nikmati lagu anak-anak populer dengan banyak pandangan unik, Anda dapat mendengarkan berbagai lagu anak-anak termasuk:
Ikuti aku
10 Ikan Kecil
Inilah Jalannya
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Bawa Saya Keluar Ke Game Bola
Lima Monster Kecil Melompat di Tempat Tidur
Saya Tidak Dapat Mengingat Kata-Kata Untuk Lagu Ini
Selai Kacang & Jelly
Alfabet Sangat Menyenangkan
Apa yang Anda suka kerjakan?
Baby Shark
Humpty Dumpty
Jack & Jill
Little Snowflake
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song)
Jika Anda Senang
Satu Jari Kecil
Tujuh Langkah
Berjalan Berjalan
The Alphabet Chant
Petak umpet
Lagu Days Of The Week
Ants Go Marching
Lagu Super Sederhana
Tuan Sun, Sun, Tuan Golden Sun
Lima Bebek Kecil
Lima Katak Berbintik-bintik Kecil
The Ice Cream Song
Aku suka kamu
The Alphabet Song
10 Pesawat Kecil
Selamat tinggal, selamat tinggal
The Bath Song
Apa yang kamu dengar?
Saya Melihat Sesuatu Biru
Saya Melihat Sesuatu yang Merah Muda
Buat Lingkaran
Lagu Tari Anak-Anak
Halo Halo! Bisakah Anda Menepuk Tangan Anda?
Ayo pergi ke kebun binatang
Siapa yang Mengambil Cookie?
Kotak misteri
The Bath Song
Apa yang kamu dengar?
Uh huh!
Say Cheese! (Ayo berfoto)
Kita semua jatuh
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Mempercepat)
Eeney Meeney Miney Moe
Setelah A While, Crocodile
The Eensy Weensy Spider
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Boneka Teddy saya
Goyangkan Ekor Anda
Mystery Box # 3
The Shape Song # 1
Apakah Anda suka Broccoli Ice Cream?
Apakah Anda Suka Spaghetti Yogurt?
Apakah Anda Suka Pickle Pudding?
Apakah Anda Suka Lasagna Milkshake?
Berapa banyak jari?
Lima Monyet Kecil
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Boneka Teddy saya
Goyangkan Ekor Anda
Ya saya bisa!
Satu Kentang, Dua Kentang
The Bananas Song | Menghitung Pisang
Bagaimana cuacanya?
Batu Gunting Kertas # 3
Selamat pagi, Tuan Rooster
Hickory Dickory Dock
Buka Tutup Mereka
Mary pernah punya domba kecil
Saya punya hewan peliharaan
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
Sepuluh Di Tempat Tidur
The Animals On The Farm
Row Row Row Perahu Anda
Hitung dan Pindahkan
Hujan hujan pergilah
Tujuh Langkah
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Mempelajarinya)
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Menyanyikannya)
The Alphabet Chant
Uh huh!
Skidamarink (Versi Wayang)
Lagu Phonics Super Simple ABC:
The Month Chant
Eensey Weensey Spider
Hujan hujan pergilah
(Kira Kira Boshi) - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star dalam bahasa Jepang
Hari-hari dalam seminggu
Hitung & Pindahkan
The Alphabet Song (Let's Sing!)
dan masih banyak lagu, yang mencakup lagu anak-anak, lagu anak-anak, lagu bayi, rima
musik anak-anak dan lagu anak-anak yang populer.
1. semua konten dalam aplikasi ini bukan merek dagang kami.
2. kita hanya mendapatkan konten dari daftar putar youtube & tidak ada di server kami.


Collection of nursery rhymes & kids songs populer for children.


  • Kategori:
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Rafaandro studio
  • ID: