ikon Mobile Data Widget

Mobile Data Widget

1.9 for Android
3.8 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

Dmitriy Lapayev

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There you can get the android apps APK installed on your device. 30,000+ users downloaded Mobile Data Widget latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You can enjoy it by use in your own phone. This hot app was released on 2019-06-08. 9Apps allows you to download more apps and updated daily!
The widget is designed to enable/disable mobile network data transfer (mobile traffic control).
For Android 5 and above the option "enable/disable data transfer" is not supported (invoked the system settings). Tested only for phones with one SIM-card!
• displaying the mobile network type (depending on the device and SIM-card);
• indication of the GSM signal strength;
• displaying direction of the IP PPP traffic (sending and/or receiving);
• indication of when the unit is roaming;
• ability to change the border color of the widget (at installation);
• ability to change the horizontal and vertical size (for Android 3.1 and above);
• displaying the phone number, IMEI (you can copy to the clipboard).
Data transfer via the mobile network depends on the connection state of the Wi-Fi adapter and conditions of your mobile operator. Recommended for use jointly with "Wi-Fi Info" widget, which contains the indicator "Network availability".
widget ini dirancang untuk mengaktifkan / menonaktifkan ponsel transfer data jaringan (kontrol lalu lintas mobile).
Untuk Android 5 dan di atas opsi "mengaktifkan / transfer data disable" tidak didukung (dipanggil pengaturan sistem). Diuji hanya untuk ponsel dengan satu SIM-card!
• menampilkan jenis jaringan seluler (tergantung pada perangkat dan SIM-card);
• indikasi kekuatan sinyal GSM;
• menampilkan arah lalu lintas IP PPP (mengirim dan / atau menerima);
• indikasi saat unit jelajah;
• kemampuan untuk mengubah warna perbatasan widget (di instalasi);
• kemampuan untuk mengubah ukuran horisontal dan vertikal (untuk Android 3.1 dan di atas);
• menampilkan nomor telepon, IMEI (Anda dapat menyalin ke clipboard).
transfer data melalui jaringan seluler tergantung pada keadaan koneksi dari adaptor dan kondisi operator seluler Anda Wi-Fi. Direkomendasikan untuk digunakan bersama-sama dengan "Info Wi-Fi" widget, yang berisi indikator "Jaringan ketersediaan".


Memperbarui Mobile Data Widget 1.9

Changed the widget's "Preferences". Added the ability to change the horizontal and vertical size. Widget ready for Android 6.


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 2.3.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Dmitriy Lapayev
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  • avatar
    2020-03-07 11:19
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    Semoga bermanfaat.
    2019-10-03 10:01
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    jika membantu dengan baik akan kasih 5 bintang jika makin lama makin jelek aku buang
    2019-08-16 14:10
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    2019-06-17 17:17
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    Kan kucoba
    2018-11-01 17:12
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    mantap di lolypop
    2018-05-25 18:50