As we all know, 20,000+ users downloaded Mexj Clean latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Therefore, people are willing to accept this latest version. This hot app was released on 2019-04-03. If you still need more information collecting extra factors, read below.
Mexj Clean is a powerful cleanup software that is easy to use.
- Clean up the garbage
Mexj Clean can detect unwanted junk files, application caches, system caches, old versions of apks in your phone, and clean them up.
- Memory acceleration
Analyze memory usage and freely release RAM and memory to make your phone faster and lighter.
- Android Optimizer
Optimize your Android phone to keep your phone in the fastest state.
Mexj Clean adalah perangkat lunak pembersihan yang kuat yang mudah digunakan.
- Bersihkan sampah
Mexj Clean dapat mendeteksi file sampah yang tidak diinginkan, cache aplikasi, cache sistem, versi lama apks di ponsel Anda, dan membersihkannya.
- Akselerasi memori
Analisis penggunaan memori dan lepaskan RAM dan memori secara bebas untuk membuat ponsel Anda lebih cepat dan lebih ringan.
- Pengoptimal Android
Optimalkan ponsel Android Anda untuk menjaga ponsel Anda dalam keadaan tercepat.