ikon Medical Departures Save 70% Medical Tourism

Medical Departures Save 70% Medical Tourism

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The No.1 store for free apps, games & videos. 20,000+ users downloaded Medical Departures latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app is superior that can be used with any of the mobile type. This hot app was released on 2019-02-07. For more mobile apps information, you can go to our official website - 9Apps.
Save 70% here on medical tourism. Compare treatment prices with over 1312 global medical clinics with 7275 reviews and 14398 photos
Are you putting off medical care or have you received a shockingly expensive quote? If so there is another option available: receive medical care overseas and save up to 70%.
Here is how it works:
Visit https://www.medicaldepartures.com/ and search 1950+ doctor in 13 countries around the globe. You can easily compare clinics and review all the details you need to know about the clinic:
high resolution photos of the clinic and staff
doctor education and experience
price list
the years the clinic has been in business
payment methods accepted
hours of operation
medical clinic certifications
medical extras (free WiFi, free consultation, free transportation, free hotel stay etc.)
You've found the perfect medical clinic overseas and now it is time to make an appointment.
Click the big 'Book Now' button and enter the details of your appointment: the date you would like to receive treatment and the medical work you need.
When you click the big 'Confirm' button you have just confirmed your appointment. You will receive a confirmation e-mail providing you with all the details you need for your appointment:
Appointment date
Clinic name
Clinic phone number
Clinic e-mail address
Clinic map
Medical procedures requested
You will receive a follow-up e-mail or phone call directly from the medical clinic about your appointment. At this time the medical clinic may request further information about your medical health (past history, X-rays, photos) that you can choose to send to the clinic prior to your appointment.
You can easily change/cancel your appointment at any time with Medical Departures by visiting https://www.medicaldepartures.com/ and clicking on 'Login'. Medical Departures does not charge a change/cancel fee. Please note, you may still be subject to change and cancellation fees that the medical clinic itself may impose. So go ahead, be free to change your mind.
Hemat 70% di sini untuk wisata medis. Bandingkan harga perawatan dengan lebih dari 1312 klinik medis global dengan 7275 ulasan dan 14398 foto
Apakah Anda menunda perawatan medis atau Anda menerima penawaran mahal yang mengejutkan? Jika demikian, ada pilihan lain yang tersedia: terima perawatan medis di luar negeri dan hemat hingga 70%.
Inilah cara kerjanya:
Kunjungi https://www.medicaldepartures.com/ dan cari 1950+ dokter di 13 negara di seluruh dunia. Anda dapat dengan mudah membandingkan klinik dan meninjau semua detail yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang klinik:
foto klinik dan staf beresolusi tinggi
pendidikan dan pengalaman dokter
Daftar Harga
tahun-tahun klinik ini berkecimpung dalam bisnis
metode pembayaran diterima
operasi berjam-jam
sertifikasi klinik medis
ekstra medis (WiFi gratis, konsultasi gratis, transportasi gratis, menginap di hotel gratis, dll.)
Anda telah menemukan klinik medis yang sempurna di luar negeri dan sekarang saatnya untuk membuat janji.
Klik tombol 'Pesan Sekarang' dan masukkan rincian janji temu Anda: tanggal Anda ingin menerima perawatan dan pekerjaan medis yang Anda butuhkan.
Ketika Anda mengklik tombol 'Konfirmasi' besar, Anda baru saja mengkonfirmasi janji temu Anda. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi yang memberi Anda semua detail yang Anda butuhkan untuk janji temu:
Tanggal pengangkatan
Nama klinik
Nomor telepon klinik
Alamat email klinik
Peta klinik
Prosedur medis diminta
Anda akan menerima email tindak lanjut atau panggilan telepon langsung dari klinik medis tentang janji temu Anda. Pada saat ini klinik medis dapat meminta informasi lebih lanjut tentang kesehatan medis Anda (riwayat penyakit, foto rontgen, foto) yang dapat Anda pilih untuk dikirim ke klinik sebelum janji Anda.
Anda dapat dengan mudah mengubah / membatalkan janji Anda kapan saja dengan Keberangkatan Medis dengan mengunjungi https://www.medicaldepartures.com/ dan mengklik 'Login'. Keberangkatan Medis tidak memungut biaya perubahan / pembatalan. Harap dicatat, Anda mungkin masih dapat berubah dan biaya pembatalan yang mungkin dibebankan oleh klinik medis. Jadi, silakan, berubah pikiran.

Memperbarui Medical Departures 0.0.1

Medical Departures


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Versi Terbaru:
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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Online Shopping Offers
  • ID: