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Michael Jackson App, is the best application of songs and lyrics of the king of pop.
You can listen to songs and sing the lyrics of michael jackson as kid and in all its ages.
As michael jackson fans we chose the best songs from their albums.
CLARIFICATION: This application is not an official application of Ed Sheeran, nor does it represent it in any way, was created so that the followers of Ed Sheeran learn to sing their songs in a didactic way with their lyrics.
Now you can listen to Michael Jackson for free, with this Michael jackson's songs application.
Michael Joseph Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actor, and philanthropist. Called the "King of Pop", his contributions to music, dance, and fashion along with his publicized personal life made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.
The eighth child of the Jackson game family, Michael made his professional debut in 1964 with his elder brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon as a member of the Jackson 5. He began his solo career in 1971. In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music.
His music videos, including those of "Beat It", "Billie Jean", and "Thriller" from his 1982 album Thriller, are credited with breaking racial barriers and transforming the medium into an art form and promotional tool.
The popularity of these videos helped bring the television channel MTV to fame. Jackson's 1987 album Bad spawned the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", and "Dirty Diana", becoming the first album to have five number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100.
He continued to innovate with videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" throughout the 1990s, and forged a reputation as a touring solo artist. Through stage and video performances, Jackson popularized a number of complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk, to which he gave the name. His distinctive sound and style has influenced numerous artists of various music genres.
Aspects of Jackson's personal life, including his changing appearance, personal relationships, and behavior, generated controversy. In 1993, he was accused of child sexual abuse, but the civil case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount and no formal charges were brought.
While preparing for his comeback concert series, This Is It, Jackson died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication on June 25, 2009, after suffering from cardiac arrest. The Los Angeles County Coroner ruled his death a homicide, and his personal physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
Jackson's death triggered a global outpouring of grief, and a live broadcast of his public memorial service was viewed around the world.
Top Songs:
1 We Are The World
2 Liberian Girl
3 Billie Jean
4 Heal The World
5 Beat It
6 Love Never Felt So Good
7 Smooth Criminal
8 Thriller
9 You Are Not Alone
10 Earth Song
11 Black Or White
12 Billy Jean
13 Give thanks to Allah
14 They Donot Care About Us
15 Ben
16 The Way You Make Me Feel
17 Bad
18 Human Nature
19 I will Be There
20 Rock With You.
21 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin
22 Don't Stop Til Get Enough
23 Who's Lovin' You
24 You Rock My World
25 She's Out Of My Life
26 Loving You
27 Remember The Time
28 Scream
29 Who is It
30 Another Part of Me
31 Dirty Diana
32 Give in to Me
33 Earth Song
34 Hold my hand
35 In The Closet
36 ...
If you have any complaint, you can send us to our mail and we will remove the material here exposed by mistake that you own.
"This is an unofficial app and for entertainment use only. This app and its content are not officially endorsed or produced by, nor associated with or affiliated with the music artist or any associated entities of the artist, such as management or record label. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners."
Michael Jackson App, adalah aplikasi terbaik dari lagu dan lirik raja pop.
Anda dapat mendengarkan lagu dan menyanyikan lirik michael jackson sebagai anak dan di segala usia.
Sebagai penggemar michael jackson, kami memilih lagu-lagu terbaik dari album mereka.
KLARIFIKASI: Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi Ed Sheeran, juga tidak diwakilinya dengan cara apa pun, dibuat agar para pengikut Ed Sheeran belajar menyanyikan lagu-lagu mereka secara didaktik dengan lirik mereka.
Sekarang Anda dapat mendengarkan Michael Jackson secara gratis, dengan aplikasi lagu Michael jackson ini.
Michael Joseph Jackson adalah seorang penyanyi Amerika, penulis lagu, produser rekaman, penari, aktor, dan dermawan. Disebut "Raja Pop", kontribusinya pada musik, tarian, dan mode bersama dengan kehidupan pribadinya yang dipublikasikan menjadikannya seorang tokoh global dalam budaya populer selama lebih dari empat dekade.
Anak kedelapan dari keluarga game Jackson, Michael membuat debut profesionalnya pada tahun 1964 dengan kakak laki-lakinya Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, dan Marlon sebagai anggota Jackson 5. Dia memulai karir solonya pada tahun 1971. Pada awal 1980-an, Jackson menjadi tokoh dominan dalam musik populer.
Video musiknya, termasuk "Beat It", "Billie Jean", dan "Thriller" dari album 1982 Thriller, dikreditkan dengan memecahkan hambatan ras dan mengubah media menjadi bentuk seni dan alat promosi.
Popularitas video ini membantu membuat saluran televisi MTV terkenal. 1987 album Jackson Bad menelurkan single Billboard Hot 100 nomor AS Billboard "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", dan "Dirty Diana", menjadi album pertama yang memiliki lima single nomor satu di Billboard Hot 100.
Dia terus berinovasi dengan video seperti "Black or White" dan "Scream" sepanjang tahun 1990-an, dan menempa reputasi sebagai artis solo tur. Melalui pertunjukan panggung dan video, Jackson mempopulerkan sejumlah teknik dansa yang rumit, seperti robot dan moonwalk, yang ia beri nama. Suara dan gayanya yang khas telah memengaruhi banyak artis dari berbagai genre musik.
Aspek kehidupan pribadi Jackson, termasuk penampilannya yang berubah, hubungan pribadi, dan perilakunya, menimbulkan kontroversi. Pada tahun 1993, ia dituduh melakukan pelecehan seksual terhadap anak, tetapi kasus perdata diselesaikan di luar pengadilan dengan jumlah yang dirahasiakan dan tidak ada tuntutan resmi yang diajukan.
Saat mempersiapkan seri konser comeback-nya, This Is It, Jackson meninggal karena keracunan propofol akut dan benzodiazepine pada 25 Juni 2009, setelah menderita serangan jantung. Koroner Kabupaten Los Angeles memutuskan kematiannya sebagai pembunuhan, dan dokter pribadinya, Conrad Murray, dihukum karena pembunuhan tidak disengaja.
Kematian Jackson memicu curahan kesedihan global, dan siaran langsung dari layanan peringatan publiknya dilihat di seluruh dunia.
Lagu Top:
1 We Are The World
2 Gadis Liberia
3 Billie Jean
4 Sembuhkanlah Dunia
5 Kalahkan
6 Love Never Felt So Good
7 Pidana Halus
8 Thriller
9 Anda Tidak Sendiri
10 Lagu Bumi
11 Hitam Atau Putih
12 Billy Jean
13 Bersyukurlah kepada Allah
14 Mereka Tidak Peduli Tentang Kami
15 Ben
16 Cara Anda Membuat Saya Merasa
17 Buruk
18 Sifat Manusia
19 Aku akan Ada di Sana
20 Rock With You.
21 Ingin Mulai Sesuatu
22 Jangan Berhenti Sampai Cukup
23 Siapa yang Mencintaimu
24 You Rock My World
25 Dia Keluar Dari Hidupku
26 Mengasihi Anda
27 Ingatlah Saatnya
28 Berteriak
29 Siapa itu
30 Bagian Lain dari Aku
31 Kotor Diana
32 Berikan padaku
33 Lagu Bumi
34 Pegang tanganku
35 Di Lemari
36 ...
Jika Anda memiliki keluhan, Anda dapat mengirim kami ke email kami dan kami akan menghapus materi di sini karena kesalahan Anda sendiri.
"Ini adalah aplikasi tidak resmi dan hanya untuk penggunaan hiburan. Aplikasi ini dan kontennya tidak secara resmi didukung atau diproduksi oleh, atau terkait dengan atau berafiliasi dengan artis musik atau entitas terkait dari artis, seperti manajemen atau label rekaman. Semua merek dagang dan hak cipta adalah milik dari pemiliknya masing-masing. "